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Swift 5.5 Vapor v4.0 CircleCI License


This is the code repository for the tutorial series where we're using Swift and NIO to create a MUD game.

You can find the playlist for the tutorials here:

Feel free to create issues if you find any bugs.

YouTube series release

Use the release: to get the source code after the YouTube series (without subsequent improvements).

Changes after YouTube series

Note: changes have been made after the YouTube series. In particular:

  • Commands are no longer enum based, and no longer parsed in switch statements. Commands are now a protocol that specific commands can adhere to. In other words, we now use polymorphism to steer behaviour.
  • Session is now a Protocol, whereas the MudSession is a specific implementation (that keeps track of channels). This way, the model is no longer dependant on knowledge about NIO, offering the option of stand alone testing.
  • SessionStorage is now part of the model and works on generic instances of the Session protocol instead of concrete type.
  • Doors (use the 'OPEN_DOOR ' command.
  • Backspace support! 🎉


  • Ep 01: Echo Server: basic setup of a NIO project.
  • Ep 02: Pipeline: create a channel pipeline, fit for use with a MUD game.
  • Ep 03: User database: create a generic, asynchronous backend to persist data in the game. And let players create users.
  • Ep 04: Small cleanup (1): create a welcome message and add password hashing.
  • Ep 05: Sessions: associate players with sessions and allow players to log in.
  • Ep 06: Rooms: add rooms to the game and let players look around.
  • Ep 07: Small cleanup (2): project organization
  • Ep 08: Movement: allow players to move from room to room.
  • Ep 09: Notifications: notify other (logged in) players (in a room) of actions by the player.
  • Ep 10: Speak: let players speak out loud.
  • Ep 11: Whisper: let players say something to another player.
  • EP 12: Conclusion: where to go from here?
  • EP 13: Use SSH instead of Telnet