Works on this time only CentOS / Fedora / Debian.
- this script does not make any changes to your system
- during operation, temporary files can be created in
- System info
- Hostname
- Distributive
- Lical IP
- External IP
- SELinux status
- Kernel / Architecture
- Load average
- Active user
- Model name
- Vendor
- Cores / MHz
- Hypervizor vendor
- CPU usage
- Memory usage
- Total / Usage
- Swap total / Usage
- Boot information
- Last boot
- Uptime
- Active user
- Last 3 reboot
- Last logons info
- Disk Usage
- Mount information
- Disk utilization
- Disc IO speed (Read / Write)
- Show read-only mounted devices
- Average information
- Top 5 memory usage processes
- Top 5 CPU usage processes
- Speedtest
- Washington, D.C. (east)
- San Jose, California (west)
- Frankfurt, DE, JP
- Checking systemd services status
- You can define services list
- Show information form default list (nginx, mongo, rsyslog and etc)
- Bash users
- Who logged
- Listen ports
- Unowned files
- User list from processes
- Skip speedtest-sd
- Skip disk test-ss
- Show all running services-e
- Extra info (Bash users, Who logged, All running services, Listen ports, UnOwned files, User list from processes)
You can use this script with several parameters:
./ -sn -sd -e
./ -ss
You can run script directly:
wget -O - | bash
Or you can clone repository:
git clone
After clone go to folder and run script:
cd system-checks && ./