The inspiration for this theme came from the Dracula colour scheme which can be found here:
The Rofi theme used is a modified version of the currently existing Dracula Rofi theme: - Which is licensed under the MIT license.
DISTRO: arch
WM: i3wm
Compositor: Picom
GTK3/4 Theme: Dracula
- Applications I use:
Browser: Firefox
File manager: Thunar
Sound: Pavucontrol
Please note, while these dotfiles were created for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS+ and later modified for arch. They might work on other distributions with a little modification.
You will be required to modify the i3 configuration file in
, as well as the i3blocks configuration file in~/.config/i3/i3blocks.conf
so that the directories point to your home directory rather than "cloudgenius".
If you are running Ubuntu, then you can easily run the script I have created.
sudo pacman -S install git # If git has not been installed.
git clone
cd ~/i3config
If you are not using arch, then you will need to manually install the packages listed in
If you wish to create a distribution of Ubuntu with the dotfiles preinstalled for personal or public use, follow the guide below:
Install Cubic.
Download the latest LTS version of Ubuntu from their website.
Launch Cubic
Install git onto the distribution with
sudo pacman -S install git
Clone this repository with
git clone
Run this command:
cd ~/i3config && bash
You will be required to modify the i3 configuration file in
, as well as the i3blocks configuration file in~/.config/i3/i3blocks.conf
so that the directories point to your home directory rather than "cloudgenius".
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy these dotfiles as much as I do!