Releases: lukepolo/dotfiles
Releases · lukepolo/dotfiles
Release 1.0.0
- removing tab (e217508)
- new nvm setup (1549922)
- more fixes (b78af52)
- cleaning up zshrc (96c9527)
- more minor changes (945f2ee)
- just minor clean ups (884d07e)
- formatting aliases a bit better (90f3fa2)
- merge (045cafb)
- various updates (120d34c)
- merge (bf37bdb)
- new alaises (e5c66b4)
- more taiga setup (29741c9)
- TG-0 adding taiga workflow (3a78f1c)
- ubuntu server creatior (39fca7c)
- trying to get php to use openssl (ee3c42c)
- adding fixFile (ae09983)
- fixing files (81d64e1)
- merge (e48c3ff)
- adding secrity checker composer (96a090e)
- erge branch 'master' of (a0f4119)
- adding aliases (c79bd6b)
- revert (09cf206)
- adding git open (0069629)
- git status (e88f1fe)
- new git aliases (4ebb9df)
- Merge branch 'master' of (027adc9)
- final fix (1b530b6)
- final fi (a813ea8)
testing new commit | sed 's,^ *,,; s, *$,,' (46e0c06)
- test (9d5108c)
- Merge branch 'master' of (1f6c957)
adding alias fixing alias (9890899)
- Merge branch 'master' of (8f56312)
- new alias (00b503a)
adding yarn error log (18e9b29)
- Merge branch 'master' of (1dae78e)
adding echo ------------ (59b7c06)
new queue aliaises (c0c7039)
adding easy way to remove folders on mac (faf6a78)
- Merge branch 'master' of (8412035)
new aliases for wp (56bfa2f)
most of the settings dont work removing them (2b7b569)
- been fixed (3719c72)
- adding bower (410921a)
another stuipd fix (d32d663)
- Merge branch 'master' of (df93542)
- more updates (98d8036)
- including mongo (f9d62b3)
removing non working commands (c723053)
- more changes (f6fafe3)
- fixing text (52ca440)
- hibernation settings (1c5ea9f)
fixing dot files more (e734a66)
- showing fix (617b7f0)
- fixing plugins (e215728)
- fixes (f4ec34b)
- 775 (f36a53a)
- updat credits (7aad6da)
- some credits (02f37f0)
setup dot files (287baa1)