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Web based version of Game Maker 8.

Live version:

What is this

Game Maker 8 is an old program where you could make Windows games in a simple but powerful way. Many people learned how to program and make games through this software. This project aims to recreate it in a web environment, so that it's free, open, and easy to access. This is mainly for nostalgia purposes, really.

How to run

Clone it, install Node.js, run npm install on the folder.

npm run start will run it in the browser, npm run build will build it in the 'dist' folder. Note that you cannot open the index.html directly, you must create a server for it, using npx http-server, for example.


This project is licensed under GPL 3.0 or later. It uses code and/or binaries from software listed in 'packages.json', under their respective licenses, compatible with GPL 3.0 or later. Action type icons from LateralGM (