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PyPSDD porting to Python 3 + PyTorch equivalent tree construction.


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Create Semantic Loss equivalent circuits in PyTorch using SDDs for knowledge compilation.

Table of contents

1. Quick start

2. Documentation

3. Credits 3. Citation

Quick start

  • Install this package
pip install git+
  • Write your constraints respecting the sympy sintax, with variables like X1.2 and operators like And(X0.2.3, X1.1.1). All lines are put in and relationship. Convert to DIMACS syntax with:
python -m semantic_loss_pytorch.constraints_to_cnf -i <input_file>.txt -o <dimacs_file>.txt 
  • Install PySDD:
pip install PySDD
  • Compile your constraint to a vtree and an sdd file. To do so, run:
pysdd -c dimacs.txt -W constraint.vtree -R constraint.sdd

PySDD is only needed for this step. If you don't need to convert other dimacs constraints to vtree and sdd files, you can uninstall it.

  • Use the semantic loss in your PyTorch project
from semantic_loss_pytorch import SemanticLoss

batch_size = 8
# constraints over a 2x2 variable
x = torch.rand((batch_size, 2, 2))

# some constrains defined over a shape [2, 2]
sl = SemanticLoss('constraint.sdd', 'constraint.vtree')
loss, wmc, wmc_per_sample = sl(probabilities=x, output_wmc=True, output_wmc_per_sample=True)

# or maybe a simpler
loss = sl(probabilities=x)
# or if you are working with logits
loss = sl(logits=logits)


Convert constraint to DIMACS

semantic_loss_pytorch.constraints_to_cnf is a module which allows the writing of constraints in propositional logic in the syntax of sympy, and then translate them to DIMACS. Constraints are expressed 1 by line, and are considered to be in an and relationsip.

Moreover, it allows to refer to variables not just by a single index, like X<sub>i</sub>, but via more indexes, X<sub>i.j.z</sub>, etc, as if they were in a tensor of arbitrary shape. When this syntax is translated to DIMACS, the indexes are converted in a single dimension, as if the variables were in a mono dimensional vector, while parsing, multi dimensional indexes must respect the input shape (can't refer to variables that do not exist, out of bounds, etc.)

By using the sympy, constraints can now be written with more operators:

  • and (&) and or (|)
  • Xor
  • Nand
  • Nor (~)
  • ITE, if then else
  • implies, by using >> or <<.
  • Equivalent(X1, X2, X3), etc.
  • check out Sympy documentation for more alternatives to the syntax, like Or(a, b) instead of a | b.
  • essentially, you are not limited to the syntax of the logic module of sympy, but can access the whole package if you want to try funky stuff, this is however not supported in this package and you will probably meet unexpected behaviours, and you should stick to logic operators. If you go looking for unexpected behaviour you will find it :shipit:.

Example usage: let's say we have 4 variables with 3 possible states (think of some multinomial distribution), we can imagine our states as arranged in a tensor of shape [4, 3]. We would like to say that when the first variable assumes state 1, then the second variable must assume state 2, moreover, the third variable has always state 3.

Keep in mind that variables are referred starting from index 0.

# this is a comment
shape [4,3]

# i like blank lines

# my constraints

# var1.state1 implies var2.state2
X0.0 >> X.1.1

# var3 must always have state 3

# given that states are mutually exclusive, we should also state that
X0.0 >> (~X0.1 & ~X0.2)
X0.1 >> (~X0.0 & ~X0.2)
X0.2 >> (~X0.0 & ~X0.1)

X1.0 >> (~X1.1 & ~X1.2)
X1.1 >> (~X1.0 & ~X1.2)
X1.2 >> (~X1.0 & ~X1.1)

X2.0 >> (~X2.1 & ~X2.2)
X2.1 >> (~X2.0 & ~X2.2)
X2.2 >> (~X2.0 & ~X2.1)

X3.0 >> (~X3.1 & ~X3.2)
X3.1 >> (~X3.0 & ~X3.2)
X3.2 >> (~X3.0 & ~X3.1)

# we should also state that variables must have at least 1 state
(X0.0 | X0.1 | X0.2)
(X1.0 | X1.1 | X1.2)
(X2.0 | X2.1 | X2.2)
(X3.0 | X3.1 | X3.2)

After writing this input file, you can simply call the script.

python -m semantic_loss_pytorch.constraints_to_cnf -i <input_file>.txt -o <dimacs_file>.txt

The result would be the following DIMACS file:

c This file was generated with the constraints_to_cnf module in this project.
c Starting from file 'example.sympy'.
c There are 13 variables present in the constraints, and 12 total variables, given by the shape [4, 3].
p cnf 12 18
9 0
5 -1 0
1 2 3 0
4 5 6 0
7 8 9 0
10 11 12 0
-1 -2 0
-1 -3 0
-2 -3 0
-4 -5 0
-4 -6 0
-5 -6 0
-7 -8 0
-7 -9 0
-8 -9 0
-10 -11 0
-10 -12 0
-11 -12 0

Note that -p is an optional argument to also specify the number of processes to use while using sympy to parse our constraints. This might be necessary if you have many constraints, given that sympy seems to really take a hit when parsing long strings. While parsing many constraints can be more or less helped by adding processes, very long constraints on single lines will slow down the process and it might be smarter to put them to cnf and then set them 1 per line.

Note that you can omit the dot for the first index, for better readability: X1.2 is equal to X.1.2, or X1 is the same as X.1.

More complex shapes can be as easily used, i.e. [3,4,50,200,2] etc., finding use cases for this is left to the reader.

caveat: Evaluation from sympy is turned off during parsing, meaning that you can write down constraints that are always False, like Equivalent(X0, ~X0), or having X0 and ~X0 on different lines. However, I have noticed that even without evaluation there seems to be the chance of sympy evaluating something directly to False, which would result in having a single constraint in the DIMACS output file, False. However False is not part of the DIMACS syntax so it will result in an error if you try to use this output with pysdd.

Tests are in the test directory (might take some time depending on your computer).


To compile your DIMACS cnf files to vtrees and sdds, and to use make use of them while running the main script you will need to install the PySDD module.

You can install PySDD by calling:

pip install pysdd

Compile the dimacs file with:

pysdd -c <dimacs_file>.txt -W constraint.vtree -R constraint.sdd

PySDD will be used to build sdd + vtree files, that will be finally used to create the equivalent PyTorch tree.

Semantic Loss

The semantic loss module will build a tree over the given tensor in such a way it will represent the formula encoded in the SDD.

It is a subclass of torch.nn.modules.losses._Loss and, when called, returns up to three tensors:

  • wmc_per_sample: the weighted model count with respect to each given example in the batch
  • wmc: the average of wmc_per_sample
  • loss: the negative logarithm of wmc

You must pass to the SL only one argument between logits and probabilities. logits are internally converted to probabilities with a sigmoid layer. If you need a different normalization, do it by yourself and feed the probabilities argument.

import torch
from semantic_loss_pytorch import SemanticLoss

batch_size = 8
# constraints over a 4x3 variable, (4 variables each with 3 different possible states)
x = torch.rand((batch_size, 4, 3))

sl = SemanticLoss(sdd_file='constraint.sdd', vtree_file='constraint.vtree')

# now call the SL in different ways

# if `x` is probabilities
loss, wmc, wmc_per_sample = sl(probabilities=x, output_wmc=True, output_wmc_per_sample=True)
# if `x` is logits
loss, wmc, wmc_per_sample = sl(logits=x, output_wmc=True, output_wmc_per_sample=True)
# if you want to return only something
loss, wmc = sl(probabilities=x, output_wmc=True)
# or
loss, wmc_per_sample = sl(logits=x, output_wmc_per_sample=True)
# or maybe only
loss = sl(logits=x)
# or
loss = sl(probabilities=x)

# (1,)

# (1,)

# (batch_size,)


Thanks to Jacopo Gobbi for his ackowledgement in using pieces of his software!

Thanks to PySDD developers that made this possible!

Thanks to Arthur Choi for developing the PyPSDD package!


If you liked our work, please consider citing it.

 author = {Di Liello, Luca and Ardino, Pierfrancesco and Gobbi, Jacopo and Morettin, Paolo and Teso, Stefano and Passerini, Andrea},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {H. Larochelle and M. Ranzato and R. Hadsell and M.F. Balcan and H. Lin},
 pages = {14663--14674},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {Efficient Generation of Structured Objects with Constrained Adversarial Networks},
 url = {},
 volume = {33},
 year = {2020}


PyPSDD porting to Python 3 + PyTorch equivalent tree construction.







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