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Pandoc template for LSPE/Strip reports

This folder provides a Pandoc template to create beautiful LSPE/Strip reports from Markdown files.

Check out the example PDF here.

The following features are currently supported:

  • Nicely formatted title page
  • Multiple authors
  • Support for BibTeX bibliographies
  • Change list
  • Table of contents
  • Abstract
  • Support for Unicode characters
  • Separate reference/applicable documents(*)

(*) This is hard to implement, as multiple bibliographies are not supported by Pandoc.

Why on Earth would this be useful?

It allows you to quickly produce a nicely-formatted technical document using LaTeX but avoiding its strange syntax. Markdown text can be easily written and read (see Pandoc User's Guide for a complete reference of Markdown syntax):

# Introduction

- This is *very* important to remember!
- Here is a code snippet: `a+b`
- Here is an hyperlink:

## A short subsection

And here is a table:

| Column 1 | Column 2 |
| Foo      | 10.1     |
| Bar      | 10.2     |

Table: This is the caption of the table.

Instead, if you use LaTeX you should write:


\item This is \emph{very} important to remember!
\item Here is a code snippet: \verb|a+b|.
\item Here is an hyperlink: \url{}

\subsection{A short subsection}

And here is a table:
  \caption{This is the caption of the table}
    \textbf{Column 1}& \textbf{Column 2}\\
    Foo& 10.1\\
    Bar& 10.2\\


You need Pandoc, of course, as well as a number of LaTeX packages. The template uses LuaLaTeX, in order to properly support Unicode characters. The document is based on the standard article class.

How to use it

Copy, lspe_template.tex, and lspe_logo.pdf in some folder, and change as you wish. Compile it with the following options:

pandoc --template=lspe_template.tex \
    --filter=pandoc-citeproc \
    -f markdown+tex_math_double_backslash \
    -t latex \
    --pdf-engine=lualatex \
    -o example.pdf

Here is an explanation of the flags used:

  • --template=lspe_template.tex: this is fundamental, as it specifies the template to use in the generation of the document.
  • --filter=pandoc-citeproc: this must be used if you want a bibliography (see below) to appear in the document.
  • -f markdown+tex_math_double_backslash: this flag specifies the dialect used in the input file. The dialect should always begin with markdown or gfm (GitHub-flavoured Markdown); other fields specify plugins that enable additional features (see the Pandoc User's Guide). There are no specific requirements on the plugins; the provided Makefile uses these:
    • tex_math_double_backslash enables writing LaTeX equations within \\( and \\).
  • -t latex: this is required, as the Pandoc template is written in LaTeX;
  • --pdf-engine=lualatex: you could probably use xelatex as well, but lualatex plays nicely with Unicode characters. (pdflatex is not supported.)
  • -o example.pdf: name of the output file. If you pass a name ending with .tex, the intermediate LaTeX file will be written instead; in this case, there is no need to use the --pdf-engine flag.

Document metadata

A number of information used to build the document must be included in the so-called header: a block of text enclosed within three slashes: ---. The text should follow the YAML format, and will look more or less like this (taken from

title: "Example report"
  - "S. Trip"
  - "S. Wipe"
agreed-by: "Small Boss"
agree-date: "2019-04-07"
approved-by: "Big Boss"
approvation-date: "2019-04-08"
document-type: "Technical note"
project-reference-number: "LSPE-STRIP-TN-000"
issue: "1.0"
institutes: "Università degli Studi di Milano"
date: "2019-04-10"
lang: "en"
mainfont: "Noto Serif"
colorlinks: true
  - version: "1.0"
    date: "2019-04-10"
    comment: "First version of the report"
  - version: "0.1"
    date: "2019-04-04"
    comment: "Horrible draft!"
  - "bibliography_example1.bib"
link-citations: true
abstract: |
    This is the abstract of the report.
    Blah blah blah.

Here is a table explaining the meaning of each entry.

Field Type Meaning
abstract String Abstract for the document
agree-date String Date when the document was agreed to be released
agreed-by String Name of the person that agreed to release the document
approvation-date String Date when the document was approved
approved-by String Name of the person that approved the release of the document
authors List of strings List of the authors
bibliography List of strings List of .bib file names containing the bibliography
change-record List of fields Each field must contain version, date, and comment
colorlinks Boolean If true, links in the text will be colored
date String Date when the document was issued
document-type String Type of the document, e.g., "Specification document"
institutes String Affiliation of the author(s)
issue String Version number
lang String Language of the document
lof Boolean If true, include a list of figures
lot Boolean If true, include a list of tables
link-citations Boolean If true, hyperlinks will be created for each citation
mainfont String Font to be used in the document body
project-reference-number String Unique identifier for the document
title String Title of the document

The example uses a really nice font! What's this?

It's Google Noto. On Ubuntu-based systems, you can install it using this command:

sudo apt install fonts-noto

Specify this line in the metadata at the beginning of your Markdown file:

mainfont: "Noto Serif"

(You can use Noto Sans if you prefer fonts without ligatures.)


Pandoc template for LSPE/Strip technical documents






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