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A Python library for persistent SSH agent management with automatic key handling, focusing on Windows compatibility and seamless Git integration.


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🔐 A modern Python library for persistent SSH agent management across sessions.

📚 Table of Contents

✨ Features

  • 🔄 Persistent SSH agent management across sessions
  • 🔑 Automatic SSH key loading and caching
  • 🪟 Windows-optimized implementation
  • 🔗 Seamless Git integration
  • 🌐 Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, Linux, macOS)
  • 📦 No external dependencies beyond standard SSH tools
  • 🔒 Secure key management and session control
  • ⚡ Asynchronous operation support
  • 🧪 Complete unit test coverage with performance benchmarks
  • 📝 Comprehensive type hints support
  • 🔐 Support for multiple SSH key types (Ed25519, ECDSA, RSA)
  • 🌍 IPv6 support
  • 📚 Multi-language documentation support
  • 🔍 Enhanced SSH configuration validation
  • 🛠️ Modern development toolchain (Poetry, Commitizen, Black)

🚀 Installation

pip install persistent-ssh-agent

📋 Requirements

  • Python 3.8-3.13
  • OpenSSH (ssh-agent, ssh-add) installed and available in PATH
  • Git (optional, for Git operations)

📖 Usage

Basic Usage

from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent

# Create an instance with custom expiration time (default is 24 hours)
ssh_agent = PersistentSSHAgent(expiration_time=86400)

# Set up SSH for a specific host
if ssh_agent.setup_ssh(''):
    print("✅ SSH authentication ready!")

Advanced Configuration

from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent
from persistent_ssh_agent.config import SSHConfig

# Create custom SSH configuration
config = SSHConfig(
    identity_file='~/.ssh/github_key',  # Optional specific identity file
    identity_passphrase='your-passphrase',  # Optional passphrase
    ssh_options={  # Optional SSH options
        'StrictHostKeyChecking': 'yes',
        'PasswordAuthentication': 'no',
        'PubkeyAuthentication': 'yes'

# Initialize with custom config and agent reuse settings
ssh_agent = PersistentSSHAgent(
    expiration_time=86400,  # Optional: Set agent expiration time (default 24 hours)
    reuse_agent=True  # Optional: Control agent reuse behavior (default True)

# Set up SSH authentication
if ssh_agent.setup_ssh(''):
    # Get Git SSH command for the host
    ssh_command = ssh_agent.get_git_ssh_command('')
    if ssh_command:
        print("✅ Git SSH command ready!")

Agent Reuse Behavior

The reuse_agent parameter controls how the SSH agent handles existing sessions:

  • When reuse_agent=True (default):

    • Attempts to reuse an existing SSH agent if available
    • Reduces the number of agent startups and key additions
    • Improves performance by avoiding unnecessary agent operations
  • When reuse_agent=False:

    • Always starts a new SSH agent session
    • Useful when you need a fresh agent state
    • May be preferred in certain security-sensitive environments

Example with agent reuse disabled:

# Always start a new agent session
ssh_agent = PersistentSSHAgent(reuse_agent=False)

Multiple Host Configuration

from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent
from persistent_ssh_agent.config import SSHConfig

# Create configuration with common options
config = SSHConfig(
        'BatchMode': 'yes',
        'StrictHostKeyChecking': 'yes',
        'ServerAliveInterval': '60'

# Initialize agent
agent = PersistentSSHAgent(config=config)

# Set up SSH for multiple hosts
hosts = ['', '', '']
for host in hosts:
    if agent.setup_ssh(host):
        print(f"✅ SSH configured for {host}")
        print(f"❌ Failed to configure SSH for {host}")

Global SSH Configuration

from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent
from persistent_ssh_agent.config import SSHConfig

# Create configuration with global options
config = SSHConfig(
    # Set identity file (optional)

    # Set global SSH options
        'StrictHostKeyChecking': 'yes',
        'PasswordAuthentication': 'no',
        'PubkeyAuthentication': 'yes',
        'BatchMode': 'yes',
        'ConnectTimeout': '30'

# Initialize agent with global configuration
agent = PersistentSSHAgent(config=config)

Asynchronous Support

import asyncio
from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent

async def setup_multiple_hosts(hosts: list[str]) -> dict[str, bool]:
    """Set up SSH for multiple hosts concurrently."""
    ssh_agent = PersistentSSHAgent()
    results = {}

    async def setup_host(host: str):
        results[host] = await ssh_agent.async_setup_ssh(host)

    await asyncio.gather(*[setup_host(host) for host in hosts])
    return results

# Usage example
async def main():
    hosts = ['', '', '']
    results = await setup_multiple_hosts(hosts)
    for host, success in results.items():
        print(f"{host}: {'✅' if success else '❌'}")

Security Best Practices

  1. Key Management:

    • Store SSH keys in standard locations (~/.ssh/)
    • Use Ed25519 keys for better security
    • Keep private keys protected (600 permissions)
  2. Error Handling:

        ssh_agent = PersistentSSHAgent()
        success = ssh_agent.setup_ssh('')
        if not success:
            print("⚠️ SSH setup failed")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"❌ Error: {e}")
  3. Session Management:

    • Agent information persists across sessions
    • Automatic cleanup of expired sessions
    • Configurable expiration time
    • Multi-session concurrent management
  4. Security Features:

    • Automatic key unloading after expiration
    • Secure temporary file handling
    • Platform-specific security measures
    • Key usage tracking

🔧 Common Use Cases

CI/CD Pipeline Integration

from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent
from persistent_ssh_agent.config import SSHConfig

def setup_ci_ssh():
    """Set up SSH for CI environment."""
    # Create configuration with key content
    config = SSHConfig(
        ssh_options={'BatchMode': 'yes'}

    ssh_agent = PersistentSSHAgent(config=config)

    if ssh_agent.setup_ssh(''):
        print("✅ SSH agent started successfully")
        return True

    raise RuntimeError("Failed to start SSH agent")

Git Integration

from git import Repo
from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent
import os

def clone_repo(repo_url: str, local_path: str) -> Repo:
    """Clone a repository using persistent SSH authentication."""
    ssh_agent = PersistentSSHAgent()

    # Extract hostname and set up SSH
    hostname = ssh_agent._extract_hostname(repo_url)
    if not hostname or not ssh_agent.setup_ssh(hostname):
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to set up SSH authentication")

    # Get SSH command and configure environment
    ssh_command = ssh_agent.get_git_ssh_command(hostname)
    if not ssh_command:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to get SSH command")

    # Clone with GitPython
    env = os.environ.copy()
    env['GIT_SSH_COMMAND'] = ssh_command

    return Repo.clone_from(

🌟 Advanced Features

Custom Configuration

from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent
from persistent_ssh_agent.config import SSHConfig

# Create config instance
config = SSHConfig()

# Add global configuration
    'AddKeysToAgent': 'yes',
    'UseKeychain': 'yes'

# Add host-specific configuration
config.add_host_config('*', {
    'User': 'git',
    'IdentityFile': '~/.ssh/github_ed25519',
    'PreferredAuthentications': 'publickey'

# Initialize agent with config
agent = PersistentSSHAgent(config=config)

Key Management

The library automatically manages SSH keys based on your SSH configuration:

from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent
from persistent_ssh_agent.config import SSHConfig

# Use specific key
config = SSHConfig(identity_file='~/.ssh/id_ed25519')
agent = PersistentSSHAgent(config=config)

# Or let the library automatically detect and use available keys
agent = PersistentSSHAgent()
if agent.setup_ssh(''):
    print("✅ SSH key loaded and ready!")

The library supports the following key types in order of preference:

  • Ed25519 (recommended, most secure)
  • ECDSA with security key
  • Ed25519 with security key
  • RSA
  • DSA (legacy, not recommended)

SSH Configuration Validation

The library provides comprehensive SSH configuration validation with support for:

from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent
from persistent_ssh_agent.config import SSHConfig

# Create custom SSH configuration with validation
config = SSHConfig()

# Add host configuration with various options
config.add_host_config('', {
    # Connection Settings
    'IdentityFile': '~/.ssh/github_key',
    'User': 'git',
    'Port': '22',

    # Security Settings
    'StrictHostKeyChecking': 'yes',
    'PasswordAuthentication': 'no',
    'PubkeyAuthentication': 'yes',

    # Connection Optimization
    'Compression': 'yes',
    'ConnectTimeout': '60',
    'ServerAliveInterval': '60',
    'ServerAliveCountMax': '3',

    # Proxy and Forwarding
    'ProxyCommand': 'ssh -W %h:%p bastion',
    'ForwardAgent': 'yes'

# Initialize with validated config
ssh_agent = PersistentSSHAgent(config=config)

Supported configuration categories:

  • Connection Settings: Port, Hostname, User, IdentityFile
  • Security Settings: StrictHostKeyChecking, BatchMode, PasswordAuthentication
  • Connection Optimization: Compression, ConnectTimeout, ServerAliveInterval
  • Proxy and Forwarding: ProxyCommand, ForwardAgent, ForwardX11
  • Environment Settings: RequestTTY, SendEnv
  • Multiplexing Options: ControlMaster, ControlPath, ControlPersist

For detailed validation rules and supported options, see SSH Configuration Validation

SSH Key Types Support

The library supports multiple SSH key types:

  • Ed25519 (recommended, most secure)
  • ECDSA with security key
  • Ed25519 with security key
  • RSA
  • DSA (legacy, not recommended)

Security Features

  1. SSH Key Management:

    • Automatic detection and loading of SSH keys (Ed25519, ECDSA, RSA)
    • Support for key content injection (useful in CI/CD)
    • Secure key file permissions handling
    • Optional passphrase support
  2. Configuration Security:

    • Strict hostname validation
    • Secure default settings
    • Support for security-focused SSH options
  3. Session Management:

    • Secure storage of agent information
    • Platform-specific security measures
    • Automatic cleanup of expired sessions
    • Cross-platform compatibility

Type Hints Support

The library provides comprehensive type hints for all public interfaces:

from typing import Optional
from persistent_ssh_agent import PersistentSSHAgent
from persistent_ssh_agent.config import SSHConfig

def setup_ssh(hostname: str, key_file: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
    config = SSHConfig(identity_file=key_file)
    agent = PersistentSSHAgent(config=config)
    return agent.setup_ssh(hostname)

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


A Python library for persistent SSH agent management with automatic key handling, focusing on Windows compatibility and seamless Git integration.







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