Ether-Dev is a command line tool for Mac and Linux to host a 3 node ethereum blockchain with Parity
It will take your current working directory as the base and does the following when you run it without any command line parameters,
- If there are any existing blockchain data it will be deleted.
- Initializes a new chain using
with 10 accounts with 100 ether each - Three nodes will be created with the folders node1, node2 and node3.
- Start the chain and
- Unlocks first 5 the accounts for easy testing
- Remaining 5 accounts can be unlocked with blank password
- Exposes RPC interface at
- Exposes WebSocket interface at ws://
- Exposes Parity UI interface at
- Url for the parity ui on your network is provided along with signer token
To run Ether-Dev, make sure you have installed [Parity] ( If not
Install parity using the one-line installer. For more details please refer below
script from the repository or clone into the repository -
Give Execute permission to the script using the command below
chmod +x ether-dev
Now you can perform the tasks as given below
ether-dev install ether-dev start ether-dev stop ether-dev reset ether-dev uninstall
bash <(curl -Lk)
The one-line installer always defaults to the latest beta release. To install a stable release, run:
bash <(curl -Lk) -r stable
For more details about parity please refer to the official [website] (
For details about installation please refer the link for [Parity] (
ether-dev [options] command...
Performs install and start when command is not specified.
Commands will be executed one by one in the same order
install Create private chain in current working directory
uninstall Remove chain from current working directory
reset Perform uninstall and install
start Start development chain in current working directory
stop Stop development chain running in current working directory
-v | --version Print version number
-h | --help Shows a list of commands and options
ether-dev install
Terminal looks like below image
ether-dev start
After starting the process, output is shown as below
Open the Parity UI url as shown in your terminal along with given token (eg:
- After opening the the URL shown in your terminal, it appears as below
- Click the check box shown, next at the bottom right corner a pop message appears. Select APPROVE
- Now select Parity Wallet icon
- The Parity UI will appear like the image below having 10 accounts with 100 ether each.
- With reference to the above image, Accounts from A1 to A5 are unlocked, but remaining accounts from A5 are locked. The password which is used for unlocking the accounts is Blank password.
- Transactions can be made with Accounts from A1 to A5 as they are unlocked, But we need to Approve each transaction which are made from A5 to remaining accounts.
- After opening the the URL shown in your terminal, it appears as below
Open under RUN go to Environment field and select Web3 Provider from the drop down list.
It prompts for dialog box saying Are you sure you want to connect to an ethereum node? select OK
Now provide the Web3 Provider Endpoint url which is displayed in your terminal for Remix IDE (eg: and select OK
Remix is now connected to you dev nodes, where it displays all the 10 accounts created under Accounts field in drop down showing all the accounts having 100 ether each.
Solidity contracts can be created using Parity UI or in Remix IDE
ether-dev stop
Output looks like the image below
ether-dev reset
This resets all the nodes so that you can start the ethereum blockchain again.
Output would be shown as below image
ether-dev uninstall
Output should appear like below image