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🔗 Linkarooie

G'day! Welcome to Linkarooie - my Linktree alternative built with Astro and Tailwind CSS. It's a blazingly fast, fully customisable way to showcase your online presence with your own links and achievements.

Linkarooie Screenshot

🚀 Features

  • Profile Showcase: Display your name, bio, avatar, and social media links
  • Custom Links: Add your important websites, projects, and resources
  • Achievements: Show off certifications, milestones, and accomplishments
  • Dark/Light Mode: Toggle between themes with persistent preferences
  • Mobile-Friendly: Fully responsive design for all devices
  • SEO Optimised: Custom metadata and OG images for better sharing
  • Hidden Treasures: Secret cheat code Easter eggs for the true diggers (hint: try typing "iddqd" on my profile)

🔧 Getting Started

1. Fork the Repository

Click the "Fork" button at the top-right of this repository to create your own copy.

2. Clone Your Fork

git clone
cd linkarooie-3

3. Install Dependencies

Using npm:

npm install

Or using Bun (my preference):

bun install

4. Customise Your Profile

  1. Create your profile file:

    • Duplicate src/data/profiles/loftwah.ts and rename it to yourusername.ts
    • Edit the file with your own information, links and achievements
  2. Add your images:

    • Place your avatar, banner and OG images in src/assets/images/
    • Update the import paths in your profile file
  3. Update the index:

    • Edit src/data/index.ts to import and export your profile

5. Generate OG Images

Linkarooie includes scripts to generate custom Open Graph images for your site and profiles:

  1. Generate main site OG image:
# Default dark theme
bun run scripts/generate-main-og-image.ts

# Light theme
bun run scripts/generate-main-og-image.ts --theme=light
  1. Generate profile OG image:
# Default dark theme
bun run scripts/generate-og-image.ts

# Light theme
bun run scripts/generate-og-image.ts --theme=light

These scripts create professional social sharing images with your profile details and the Linkarooie branding.

6. Local Development

Start the development server:

npm run dev
# or
bun dev

Visit http://localhost:4321 to see your site in action.

7. Deploy to GitHub Pages

Set Up GitHub Pages

  1. Go to your forked repository on GitHub
  2. Navigate to "Settings" > "Pages"
  3. Under "Build and deployment" > "Source", select "GitHub Actions"

Configure Secrets (Optional)

The workflow uses a few environment variables that you can configure as repository secrets:

Configure BASE_URL Secret

This is crucial for proper site functioning:

  1. Go to "Settings" > "Secrets and variables" > "Actions"
  2. Add the BASE_URL secret:
    • For GitHub Pages:
    • For custom domain:

The BASE_URL ensures all relative links work correctly regardless of deployment method.

Note: The workflow file references POSTHOG_KEY and POSTHOG_HOST environment variables, but these aren't currently used in the code. They're likely placeholders for future analytics integration.


  1. Push your changes to the main branch
  2. GitHub Actions will automatically build and deploy your site
  3. You can also manually trigger a deployment from the "Actions" tab using "workflow_dispatch"

Check Your Deployment

After the GitHub Action completes, your site will be live at:

Using a Custom Domain

Want to use your own domain like I did with No worries, here's how:

  1. Buy a domain from a decent registrar like Namecheap

  2. Set up Cloudflare for DNS:

    • Create a free Cloudflare account
    • Add your domain to Cloudflare
    • Update your domain registrar to use Cloudflare nameservers
    • In Cloudflare, add a CNAME record pointing to
    • Set the proxy status to "Proxied" for free SSL and performance benefits
  3. Set up in GitHub repo:

    • Go to your repo's "Settings" > "Pages"
    • Under "Custom domain", enter your domain name and click "Save"
    • Make sure "Enforce HTTPS" is ticked for secure connections
  4. Update the CNAME file:

    • The repo already includes a CNAME file
    • Edit it to replace with your own domain name
  5. Update BASE_URL secret:

    • Go to "Settings" > "Secrets and variables" > "Actions"
    • Update the BASE_URL to your custom domain (e.g.,

🛠️ Customisation

Changing Colors

Edit tailwind.config.js to change the primary and accent colors.

Customizing OG Images

Both OG image generation scripts support dark and light themes:

  • Dark theme uses a green accent (#a5fd0e)
  • Light theme uses a purple accent (#9233ea)

You can modify these colors in the respective scripts.

Adding New Features

The codebase is pretty straightforward. Have a geez at:

  • src/components/ for UI components
  • src/layouts/ for page layouts
  • src/pages/ for the main routes
  • src/types/ for TypeScript interfaces
  • scripts/ for utility scripts including OG image generation

🤝 Contributing

Feel free to submit pull requests with improvements or new features! I'm always keen to make Linkarooie better.

📝 License

MIT License - feel free to use, modify and share as you please. Attribution is appreciated but not required.

👋 Connect with Me

If you've got questions or want to show me what you've built with Linkarooie, give us a shout:

Built with 💚 by Loftwah - Only the vibe coder remains.