Author: Florian Maul
This project creates avatar images with the user's initals and a colored background for all user who have not defined a custom avatar image.
See the releases section in Github for AMP downloads:
The component has been developed to install on top of an existing Alfresco 4.0, 4.1 or 4.2 installation. The alfresco-default-user-avatars-.amp needs to be installed into the Alfresco Repository webapp using the Alfresco Module Management Tool:
java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install alfresco-default-user-avatars-<version>.amp /path/to/alfresco.war
You can also use the Alfresco Maven SDK to install or overlay the AMP during the build of a Repository WAR project. See for details.
To build the module and its AMP / JAR files, run the following command from the base project directory:
mvn install
The command builds the alfresco-default-user-avatars-.amp in the 'target' directory within your project.
To hotdeploy to a local alfresco installation you can use the alfresco:install command to deploy the alfresco-default-user-avatars.amp directly to a WAR file or an exploded war folder:
mvn package alfresco:install -Dmaven.alfresco.warLocation=/path/to/tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war
Upon startup of Alfresco a patch is run and for all users without avatar images a new avatar image is generated. When a user updates her name the images are automatically regenerated.
The following configuration options are supported by this extension and can be added to (below are the defaults):
Can be used to disable the automatic generation of user images
The color palette that is used for background colors
By default only white is used for the font in the avatar images, if the there are very bright colors in the palette, then enabling blackFontForLightBackgrounds will use black as foreground color, if the color is very light.
Show initals of firstname and surname. Set to false to only a single letter for the first name