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Node.js module that allows you to easily interact with the Localazy CDN.
npm install @localazy/cdn-client
# or use your favourite package manager
import { CdnClient } from '@localazy/cdn-client';
const cdn = await CdnClient.create({
// use your own metafile
metafile: '',
const result = await cdn.fetch({
// select files from metafile
files: cdn.metafile.files[0],
// select locales
locales: ['en', 'de'],
example result
const result = {
en: {
cdn_info: 'With the CDN you can deliver the translation files instantly',
cdn_testing: "We're testing the CDN",
hello_localazy: 'Hello Localazy!',
using_javascript: 'In this project we decided to use JavaScript',
de: {
cdn_info: 'Mit dem CDN kรถnnen Sie die รbersetzungsdateien sofort liefern',
cdn_testing: 'Wir testen das CDN',
hello_localazy: 'Hallo Localazy!',
using_javascript: 'In diesem Projekt haben wir uns fรผr JavaScript entschieden',
For more information, visit Installation guide.
Check out all npm packages from Localazy:
Package | Description |
@localazy/cli | Localazy CLI tool for app and software localization and translation. |
@localazy/api-client | Node.js module that allows you to easily interact with the Localazy API. |
@localazy/cdn-client | Node.js module that allows you to easily interact with the Localazy CDN. |
@localazy/languages | Available Localazy Languages |
@localazy/strapi-plugin | The official Strapi Plugin by Localazy. |
@localazy/directus-extension-localazy | The official Localazy module extension for Directus |
Discover all available integration options and localization examples.
Code released under the MIT license.