This is a highly experimental WebAssembly interpreter. It is not suitable for usage yet.
💅: 43
💩: 104
ERROR src/ test 108/162 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/align.106.wasm", invoke: "f32_align_switch", error: wrong type popped from stack (got f32, expected u32): src/runtime/methods/
ERROR src/ test 10/118 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/br_if.0.wasm", invoke: "as-block-first", got [--- BLOCK ---, i32(2)], but expected [i32(2)])
ERROR src/ test 23/174 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/br_table.0.wasm", invoke: "singleton", got [--- BLOCK ---, i32(20)], but expected [i32(20)])
ERROR src/ test 6/8 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/comments.4.wasm", invoke: "f1", got [i32(1), i32(2)], but expected [i32(2)])
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/runtime/
not yet implemented
Last test (1):
Module(Module { _type: MustBe!("module"), _name: None, filename: "elem.0.wasm" })
ERROR src/ test 2/69 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/endianness.0.wasm", invoke: "i32_load16_s", got [i32(65535)], but expected [i32(-1)])
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
not yet implemented
Last test (14):
AssertReturn(AssertReturn { _type: MustBe!("assert_return"), action: Invoke { module: Some("$Func"), field: "e", args: [I32 { value: "42" }] }, expected: [I32 { value: "43" }] })
ERROR src/ test 3/8 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/fac.0.wasm", invoke: "fac-iter", got [i64(1)], but expected [i64(7034535277573963776)])
ERROR src/ test 332/927 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/float_exprs.39.wasm", invoke: "no_demote_mixed_mul", got [i32(0)], but expected [i32(329178166)])
ERROR src/ test 57/172 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/func.0.wasm", invoke: "break-br_if-empty", got [i32(2)], but expected [])
ERROR src/ test 6/36 did not fail invalidating/parsing, expected error: "unknown table" (module: "test-suite/test/core/func_ptrs.1.wasm")
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to load module: GlobalWithoutOffset
Last test (1):
Module(Module { _type: MustBe!("module"), _name: None, filename: "global.0.wasm" })
ERROR src/ test 38/241 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/if.0.wasm", invoke: "as-br_if-last", got [--- BLOCK ---, i32(2), i32(3)], but expected [i32(3)])
ERROR src/ test 4/178 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/imports.1.wasm", invoke: "print32", error: wrong type popped from stack (got f32, expected i32): src/runtime/methods/
ERROR src/ test 3/29 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/labels.0.wasm", invoke: "loop1", got [i32(1)], but expected [i32(5)])
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
not yet implemented: Register: "Mf" $Mf
Last test (2):
Register(Register { _type: MustBe!("register"), name: Some("$Mf"), _as: "Mf" })
ERROR src/ test 15/36 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/local_get.0.wasm", invoke: "as-br_table-value", got [--- BLOCK ---, i32(2)], but expected [i32(2)])
ERROR src/ test 20/53 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/local_set.0.wasm", invoke: "write", error: wrong type popped from stack (got f32, expected u64): src/runtime/methods/
ERROR src/ test 55/97 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/local_tee.0.wasm", invoke: "write", error: wrong type popped from stack (got f32, expected u64): src/runtime/methods/
ERROR src/ test 40/120 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/loop.0.wasm", invoke: "break-multi-value", got [i32(0), i32(0), i64(0)], but expected [i32(18), i32(-18), i64(18)])
ERROR src/ test 36/88 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/memory.30.wasm", invoke: "cast", got [--- BLOCK ---, i64(0)], but expected [i64(4611686018427387904)])
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/runtime/
attempt to add with overflow
Last test (3419):
AssertTrap(AssertTrap { _type: MustBe!("assert_trap"), action: Invoke { module: None, field: "run", args: [I32 { value: "0" }, I32 { value: "65516" }, I32 { value: "4294963200" }] }, text: "out of bounds memory access" })
ERROR src/ test 3/100 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/memory_fill.0.wasm", invoke: "checkRange", got [--- BLOCK ---, --- BLOCK ---, i32(-1)], but expected [i32(-1)])
ERROR src/ test 2/104 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/memory_grow.0.wasm", invoke: "size", got [i32(65535)], but expected [i32(0)])
ERROR src/ test 130/240 did not fail invalidating/parsing, expected error: "unknown data segment" (module: "test-suite/test/core/memory_init.5.wasm")
ERROR src/ test 2/42 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/memory_size.0.wasm", invoke: "size", got [i32(65535)], but expected [i32(0)])
ERROR src/ test 2/182 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/memory_trap.0.wasm", invoke: "store", error: out of bounds memory access)
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to load module: ParseError(File: "test-suite/test/core/ref_func.1.wasm"
UnknownInstruction(<d1>), bin pos: 220, stack: [
Last test (3):
Module(Module { _type: MustBe!("module"), _name: None, filename: "ref_func.1.wasm" })
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to parse test data: Error("data did not match any variant of untagged enum Case", line: 5, column: 2)
Last test (1):
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to parse test data: Error("data did not match any variant of untagged enum Case", line: 5, column: 154)
Last test (1):
ERROR src/ test 6/84 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/return.0.wasm", invoke: "type-i32-value", got [--- BLOCK ---, i32(1)], but expected [i32(1)])
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to parse test data: Error("data did not match any variant of untagged enum Case", line: 33, column: 2)
Last test (1):
ERROR src/ test 2/7 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/stack.0.wasm", invoke: "fac-expr", got [i64(1)], but expected [i64(7034535277573963776)])
ERROR src/ test 2/28 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/switch.0.wasm", invoke: "stmt", got [--- BLOCK ---, --- BLOCK ---, --- BLOCK ---, --- BLOCK ---, --- BLOCK ---, --- BLOCK ---, --- BLOCK ---, --- BLOCK ---, --- BLOCK ---, i32(0)], but expected [i32(0)])
memory allocation of 77309411344 bytes failed
ERROR src/ test 66/1728 failed: out of bounds table access (module: "test-suite/test/core/table_copy.2.wasm", invoke: "test")
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to load module: ParseError(File: "test-suite/test/core/table_fill.0.wasm"
UnknownInstruction(<25>), bin pos: 96, stack: [
Last test (1):
Module(Module { _type: MustBe!("module"), _name: None, filename: "table_fill.0.wasm" })
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to parse test data: Error("data did not match any variant of untagged enum Case", line: 8, column: 2)
Last test (1):
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to parse test data: Error("data did not match any variant of untagged enum Case", line: 44, column: 2)
Last test (1):
ERROR src/ test 68/780 failed: out of bounds table access (module: "test-suite/test/core/table_init.3.wasm", invoke: "test")
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to parse test data: Error("data did not match any variant of untagged enum Case", line: 10, column: 2)
Last test (1):
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/runtime/methods/
not implemented: instruction not supported : xfc_16_table_size(TableIdX(0))
Last test (2):
AssertReturn(AssertReturn { _type: MustBe!("assert_return"), action: Invoke { module: None, field: "size-t0", args: [] }, expected: [I32 { value: "0" }] })
ERROR src/ test 34/64 did not fail, expected error: "unreachable" (module: "test-suite/test/core/unreachable.0.wasm", function "as-if-then-no-else")
ERROR src/ test 1/118 did not fail invalidating/parsing, expected error: "unknown local" (module: "test-suite/test/core/unreached-invalid.0.wasm")
ERROR src/ oops the test-suite panicked!
panicked at src/
failed to load module: ParseError(File: "test-suite/test/core/unreached-valid.0.wasm"
UnknownInstruction(<d1>), bin pos: 273, stack: [
Last test (1):
Module(Module { _type: MustBe!("module"), _name: None, filename: "unreached-valid.0.wasm" })
ERROR src/ test 3/50 failed (module: "test-suite/test/core/unwind.0.wasm", invoke: "func-unwind-by-br", got [i32(3), i64(1)], but expected [])
ERROR src/ test 1/176 did not fail invalidating/parsing, expected error: "malformed UTF-8 encoding" (module: "test-suite/test/core/utf8-custom-section-id.0.wasm")
Beware that this list might miss a test or two
- ✅ binary
- ❌ func
- ❌ memory
- ❌ table
- ✅ i32
- ✅ i64
- ✅ f32
- ✅ f64
- ✅ call
- ✅ call_indirect
- ✅ block
- ❌ if
- ❌ loop
- ✅ br
- ❌ br_if
- ❌ br_table
- ❌ global
- ❌ local_get
- ❌ local_set
- ❌ local_tee
- ❌ stack
- ❌ imports
- ❌ exports
- ✅ start
- ✅ data
- ❌ elem
- ✅ type
- ✅ address
- ✅ load
- ✅ store
- ✅ const
- ✅ conversions
- ❌ return
- ❌ select
- ✅ traps
- ❌ ref_func
- ❌ ref_null
- ❌ ref_is_null
- ❌ memory_size
- ❌ memory_grow
- ❌ memory_init
- ❌ memory_copy
- ❌ memory_fill
- ❌ table_get
- ❌ table_set
- ❌ table_size
- ❌ table_grow
- ❌ table_init
- ❌ table_copy
- ❌ table_fill
- ❌ align
- ✅ bulk
- ✅ int_exprs
- ✅ int_literals
- ❌ float_exprs
- ✅ float_literals
- ✅ float_memory
- ✅ float_misc
- ✅ f32_cmp
- ✅ f64_cmp
- ✅ f32_bitwise
- ✅ f64_bitwise
- ❌ labels
- ❌ unreachable
- ✅ nop
- ❌ comments
- ✅ names
- ❌ linking
- ✅ custom
- ❌ endianness
- ✅ forward
- ✅ binary-leb128
- ❌ func_ptrs
- ✅ left-to-right
- ✅ memory_redundancy
- ❌ memory_trap
- ✅ token
- ❌ unwind
- ✅ skip-stack-guard-page
- ✅ obsolete-keywords
- ❌ fac
- ❌ unreached-invalid
- ❌ unreached-valid
- ❌ utf8-custom-section-id
- ✅ utf8-import-field
- ✅ utf8-import-module
- ✅ utf8-invalid-encoding
- ❌ switch
- ✅ inline-module
- ❌ simd_load
- ❌ simd_store
- ❌ simd_const
- ❌ simd_lane
- ❌ simd_conversions
- ❌ simd_bitwise
- ❌ simd_boolean
- ❌ simd_i8x16_arith
- ❌ simd_i16x8_arith
- ❌ simd_i32x4_arith
- ❌ simd_i64x2_arith
- ❌ simd_f32x4_arith
- ❌ simd_f64x2_arith
- ❌ simd_f32x4_cmp
- ❌ simd_f64x2_cmp
- ❌ simd_i8x16_cmp
- ❌ simd_i16x8_cmp
- ❌ simd_i32x4_cmp
- ❌ simd_i64x2_cmp
- ❌ simd_splat
- ❌ simd_bit_shift
- ❌ simd_address
- ❌ simd_align
- ❌ simd_i8x16_sat_arith
- ❌ simd_i16x8_sat_arith
- ❌ simd_i8x16_arith2
- ❌ simd_i16x8_arith2
- ❌ simd_i32x4_arith2
- ❌ simd_i64x2_arith2
- ❌ simd_f32x4_rounding
- ❌ simd_f64x2_rounding
- ❌ simd_f32x4_pmin_pmax
- ❌ simd_f64x2_pmin_pmax
- ❌ simd_load_splat
- ❌ simd_load_extend
- ❌ simd_load_zero
- ❌ simd_load8_lane
- ❌ simd_load16_lane
- ❌ simd_load32_lane
- ❌ simd_load64_lane
- ❌ simd_store8_lane
- ❌ simd_store16_lane
- ❌ simd_store32_lane
- ❌ simd_store64_lane
- ❌ simd_int_to_int_extend
- ❌ simd_i16x8_extmul_i8x16
- ❌ simd_i32x4_extmul_i16x8
- ❌ simd_i64x2_extmul_i32x4
- ❌ simd_i16x8_extadd_pairwise_i8x16
- ❌ simd_i32x4_extadd_pairwise_i16x8
- ❌ simd_i32x4_dot_i16x8
- ❌ simd_i16x8_q15mulr_sat_s
- ❌ simd_i32x4_trunc_sat_f32x4
- ❌ simd_i32x4_trunc_sat_f64x2
- ❌ simd_linking