Hi, I'm lj, a os/firmware dev, evolved teacher, become pentester and now fed up with the consultancy world, thus doing consulting >.<
Since GitHub is becoming more and more of a steaming pile of trash, you'll mostly find my on Codeberg or on my personal webspace www.ljrk.org (I do have a blog where I cover my bad and worse ideas) as well as socials (where I do the same but in a less long-winded fashion).
Here you'll mostly find archives and mirrors of stuff, either from my own code or code I downloaded somewhere and wanted to make more easily accessible. Outside of that I just use this account to contribute to tools/projects I use/like or stumble upon. Within the historical/archived/mirrored repos you find here, you'll see my work on
- reversed router firmwares such as my D-LINK DIR 88x,
- inofficial game ports for AntMe/SeriousEngine/Edna & Harvey: The Breakout,
- firmware flashing tools for Framework laptops or flashrom,
- setting the embedded controller of the fan for some Acer laptops,
- teachings on Computer Architecture and Programming Languages as well as InfoSec,
- my own studies including things in Bio-Informatics but also going back to my high school days in 2013,
- packaging for ArchLinux and Flatpaks,
- and a lot more :)
I'm also a part of InSecurity Research Group where we conduct code audits and pentests for NGOs -- hit us up on [email protected]!
For my dayjob at int³ I work on various pieces of tooling, platform, whatever is currently needed. One of our goals is to build a platform to help businesses do better IT security decisions, leveraging our extensive experience in that field. Yes, it's just another platform, yet single consultants don't scale, cost a lot and often don't do good either way, too. I wish I could tell you we've figured it out all the way though already, but that's far from the truth :D