gocc is a golang port of OpenCC(Open Chinese Convert 開放中文轉換) which is a project for conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese developed by BYVoid.
gocc stands for "Golang version OpenCC", it is a total rewrite version of OpenCC in Go. It just borrows the dict files and config files of OpenCC, so it may not produce the same output with the original OpenCC.
go get github.com/liuzl/gocc
git clone https://github.com/liuzl/gocc
cd gocc/cmd
make install
gocc --help
echo "我们是工农子弟兵" | gocc
package main
import (
func main() {
s2t, err := gocc.New("s2t")
if err != nil {
in := `自然语言处理是人工智能领域中的一个重要方向。`
out, err := s2t.Convert(in)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n%s\n", in, out)
Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chineset2s
Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chineses2tw
Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard)tw2s
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) to Simplified Chineses2hk
Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Standard)hk2s
Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Standard) to Simplified Chineses2twp
Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) with Taiwanese idiomtw2sp
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) to Simplified Chinese with Mainland Chinese idiomt2tw
Traditional Chinese (OpenCC Standard) to Taiwan Standardt2hk
Traditional Chinese (OpenCC Standard) to Hong Kong Standard