FadingActionBar is a library which implements the cool fading action bar effect that can be seen in the new Play Music app.
This library uses the techniques outlined by Cyril Mottier in a popular blog post.
The three most commonly used action bar implementations are supported: stock (API 11+), ActionBarCompat and ActionBarSherlock.
Try out the sample application:
Or browse the source code of the sample application for a complete example of use.
The library is pushed to Maven Central as a AAR, so you just need to add the following dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.manuelpeinado.fadingactionbar:fadingactionbar:3.1.2'
If your project doesn't use the stock action bar, but one of the compatibility implementations, you would use the following:
dependencies {
// Use the following if your project uses ActionBarCompat
compile 'com.github.manuelpeinado.fadingactionbar:fadingactionbar-abc:3.1.2'
// Or the following if your project uses ActionBarSherlock
compile 'com.github.manuelpeinado.fadingactionbar:fadingactionbar-abs:3.1.2'
Using the library is really simple, just look at the source code of the provided samples:
- If your content should be in a
. - If your content should be in a
. - If your content is a
You can even use the library from a fragment, which is useful when implementing a dual phone/tablet layout.
See the demos included in the sample application for a complete overview of the features supported by the library.
There is an important issue with the library and ListViews. More specifically, things don't work quite right when the activity is re-created due to a configuration change. So, unless you handle configuration changes yourself (or your activity is portrait/landscape only), I strongly suggest you stick to having your content in a ScrollView until a solution to this issue is found.
- Thanks to Cyril Mottier for sharing the techniques that make this library possible.
- Thanks to Antonio Leiva for writing the Navigation Drawer sample.
- Thanks to Michał Motyczko for coming up with a fix for an important bug.
- #ДАНСwithme. This app attempts to organise information from various social network streams into a single source.
- Pearl Jam Lyrics. Unofficial app for Pearl Jam fans that want to have all the lyrics of their favorite band in the palm of their hands.
- Weatherize. A weather app that is designed to look great and tell you the weather like a human does, not a machine.
- Last.fm for Android. Do you think the official Last.fm app feels a little bit outdated? Check out this one! It has a scrobbler, and a non-ugly holo interface.
- Watch South Park Episodes. Watch full-length South Park episodes directly from your phone! Browse through your favorite season or search for your favorite episode!
- Gas Monitor. An application designed around individuals who keep track of their fill history on their vehicles: from price, gallons, date purchased, and miles traveled.
- RSS Reader. Get all your news in a simple and fluid application.
Does your app use FadingActionBar? If you want to be featured on this list drop me a line.
Manuel Peinado Gallego - [email protected]
Copyright 2013,2014 Manuel Peinado
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.