Documentation: Interactive Visualization of Mangrove Cover Changes using eCognition's User Interactive Architecture
Step 1: a) Load Sentinel-2 image of the Bintang Bolong Estuary in eCognition b) Create a ruleset to automatically rename the bands of the Sentinel-2 image to Blue, Red, Green, NIR, SWIR.
Step 2: Develop a ruleset in eCognition for conducting Random Forest classification and the the Mangrove Vegetation Index (MVI) using the relevant spectral bands.
Step 3: Design an interactive architecture in eCognition that enable users to visualize either the MVI or the results of Random Forest classification.
To use this application, you require a licenced eCognition version 10.1 and above software.
- Open the eCognition Developer interface
- Click on Architect --> select 'Open Action Library' and select the folder with the action library. In this case the folder is named 'Ligono_architecture'
- Next click again on Architect and select 'Load solution'--> select 'interfacev3.dax' and the analysis builder will load as seen below:
- Load the Sentinel-2 image in the folder
- Now you can start using the user architecture: Click on the Multi-resolution Segmentation tab and set the scale parameter by moving the slider. (The example below show segmentation with a segmentation of 500)
- Once the segmentation is complete collect samples for all the classes in the 'Class Hierarchy' tab except 'mvi_mangrove'