Create Android projects directly from your Termux or Linux without installing Android Studio.
You need to have these tools installed
- jdk 17+
- gradle 7.6.3+
- git
- wget
- unzip
- java or kotlin
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Add to your path
mv gendroid ~/.local/share
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/share/gendroid
- Install Android SDK if you do not have
gendroid install-sdk
If you are using termux, type "y" in "is your architecture aarch64?"
You can create your projects using
gendroid create
App Name
- Project Name
- Group Name (ex: com.lipe)
generate the APK using
./gradlew assemble
./gradlew assembleDebug
./gradlew assembleRelease
use assembleDebug during development
APK file is on app/build/outputs/apk/ folder
install LunarVim (Neovim)
use this plugin to get autocomplete on LSP
lvim.plugins = {
install LayoutEditor
make your Layout / Screen
export or copy xml generated code and put on res directory of your app