Doorbell that uses a cheap wireless doorbell, attached to an Arduino to drive a servo to ring a "real" brass bell.
Pictures of the construction:
Eventual plan will involve listening to Arduino's serial port to fire off additional actions on the local network and/or internet.
Using netgrowl and PicoRendezvous from:
Also using for Growl for Windows notification
If you want to run the Python part of this on a chumby, you should attach something that sends the string 'DING DONG' down the serial port (USB) of the chumby.
On your computer (within doorbell directory):
- virtualenv --no-site-packages .
- source bin/activate
- pip install -r dependencies.txt
- ./
Then copy the contents of dist/ onto a USB stick (along with python in python2.6-chumby/) and plug it into your chumby. Python for the chumby is available here:
The debugchumby script should startup the app when the chumby is rebooted.
Of course this should all work on a "real" computer too.