Wipe and reprovision a Cisco ACI APIC over CIMC Serial Over LAN.
Easy install from pypi:
easy_install wiper
Clone the repo and run setup.py to install:
git clone https://github.com/datacenter/wiper.git cd wiper python setup.py install
Once installed, this package adds both apic_wiper and wiper to the bin directory for python install/virtual environment.
Options can be set via the CLI as command line arguments or in an ini file that is specified with the -i/--ini-file option. The order of precedence is as follows:
- CLI options override all options set elsewhere.
- INI file options for a specific APIC override default options specified in the INI file.
- INI file options in a DEFAULT section will be used as a last resort if that option is not specified elsewhere.
- Any missing options will result in the script not running.
Because there are so many required options it is highly recommended that options be set in an INI file.
The following is a table of required config arguments:
- Long CLI
- Option
- Short CLI
- Option
- INI File
- Option
--controller-number -cnu controller_number --strong-passwords -sp strong_passwords --infra-vlan-id -iv infra_vlan_id --fabric-name -f fabric_name --cimc-username -cu cimc_username --controller-name -cna controller_name --apic-admin-password -ap apic_admin_password --bd-mc-addresses -b bd_mc_addresses --cimc-password -cp cimc_password --oob-default-gateway -od oob_default_gateway --int-speed -is int_speed --oob-ip-address -oi oob_ip_address --tep-address-pool -t tep_address_pool --number-of-controllers -nc number_of_controllers
The only required CLI option is the CIMC IP address which is used to log into CIMC. All other options can also be set via an INI file. CLI options override the same option set in an INI file.
Wiper has the following CLI options:
$ wiper -h usage: Provision APICs via CIMC Serial Over LAN [-h] [-ap APIC_ADMIN_PASSWORD] [-b BD_MC_ADDRESSES] [-cna CONTROLLER_NAME] [-cnu CONTROLLER_NUMBER] [-cp CIMC_PASSWORD] [-cu CIMC_USERNAME] [-i INI_FILE] [-is {auto,10baseT/Half,10baseT/Full,100baseT/Half,100baseT/Full,1000baseT/Full}] [-iv INFRA_VLAN_ID] [-f FABRIC_NAME] [-nc NUMBER_OF_CONTROLLERS] [-od OOB_DEFAULT_GATEWAY] [-oi OOB_IP_ADDRESS] [-sim] [-sp {Y,n}] [-t TEP_ADDRESS_POOL] [-v] cimc_ip positional arguments: cimc_ip CIMC hostname or IP address used to ssh to CIMC optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -ap APIC_ADMIN_PASSWORD, --apic_admin_password APIC_ADMIN_PASSWORD The APIC admin user password to enter into the APIC setup script. -b BD_MC_ADDRESSES, --bd-mc-addresses BD_MC_ADDRESSES The Bridge Domain Multicast address range to enter into the APIC setup script. -cna CONTROLLER_NAME, --controller-name CONTROLLER_NAME The controller name to enter into the APIC setup script. -cnu CONTROLLER_NUMBER, --controller_number CONTROLLER_NUMBER The controller number (id) to enter into the APIC setup script. -cp CIMC_PASSWORD, --cimc_password CIMC_PASSWORD CIMC password -cu CIMC_USERNAME, --cimc_username CIMC_USERNAME CIMC username -i INI_FILE, --ini-file INI_FILE Use an ini file to find parameters to provision an APIC. -is {auto,10baseT/Half,10baseT/Full,100baseT/Half,100baseT/Full,1000baseT/Full}, --int-speed {auto,10baseT/Half,10baseT/Full,100baseT/Half,100baseT/Full,1000baseT/Full} -iv INFRA_VLAN_ID, --infra-vlan-id INFRA_VLAN_ID The infra vlan id to enter into the APIC setup script. -f FABRIC_NAME, --fabric-name FABRIC_NAME The fabric name to enter into the APIC setup script. -nc NUMBER_OF_CONTROLLERS, --number-of-controllers NUMBER_OF_CONTROLLERS The number of controllers to enter into the APIC setup script. -od OOB_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, --oob-default-gateway OOB_DEFAULT_GATEWAY The APIC Out-Of-Band default gateway to enter into the APIC setup script. -oi OOB_IP_ADDRESS, --oob-ip-address OOB_IP_ADDRESS The APIC Out-Of-Band IP address to enter into the APIC setup script. -sim, --simulator This flag identifies the APIC as a simulator. -sp {Y,n}, --strong-passwords {Y,n} Strong password option to enter into the APIC setup script. -t TEP_ADDRESS_POOL, --tep-address-pool TEP_ADDRESS_POOL The TEP address pool to enter into the APIC setup script. -v, --verbose Enable debugging and be verbose.
The following is a recommended ini file:
; These default settings can be modified to allow for different defaults for your environment. ; You can override these defaults in sections for specific controllers. [DEFAULT] ; Simulators are not currently supported but the plan is to eventually support them if possible ; So this is in preparation of that. simulator = False ; A default cimc user to access the Serial Over LAN with cimc_username = admin ; A default cimc password cimc_password = password ; The default fabric name. fabric_name = ACI Fabric1 ; The default controller number. controller_number = 1 ; The default number of controllers for all clusters. number_of_controllers = 3 ; The default controller name is 'apic' + the controller id. So for controller 1, the default ; name is apic1. For controller 2 the default name is apic2, etc. controller_name = apic%(controller_number)s ; The default tep address pool. tep_address_pool = ; The default infra vlan id. infra_vlan_id = 4093 ; The default BD Multicast Address pool bd_mc_addresses = ; The default oob ip address and netmask in the firm x.x.x.x/y oob_ip_address = ; The default oob default gateway ip address. oob_default_gateway = ; The default interface speed and duplex, we default to auto int_speed = auto ; By default we require strong passwords strong_passwords = Y ; A default admin password. Usually the individual apic configs will override this. apic_admin_password = p@s$w0rd ; Sections are defined by the cimc ip address, items defined in sections override the default items [] fabric_name = 176_fabric3 cimc_password = Cisco123! controller_number = 1 oob_ip_address = oob_default_gateway = apic_admin_password = Cisco321! ; Multiple CIMC's can be defined in the ini file [] fabric_name = 176_fabric3 cimc_password = Cisco123! controller_number = 2 oob_ip_address = oob_default_gateway = ; apic password is not needed for controllers 2 and 3 ; Multiple CIMC's can be defined in the ini file [] fabric_name = 176_fabric3 cimc_password = Cisco123! controller_number = 3 oob_ip_address = oob_default_gateway = ; apic password is not needed for controllers 2 and 3
It is nice to have a default section that holds default settings so all the required settings are not needed for each controller.
Wiper only runs against one CIMC at a time though so in order to wipe/provision three APIC's you would need to run wiper three times and each time provide which CIMC you are running against. For example:
wiper -i sample.ini wiper -i sample.ini wiper -i sample.ini