go-geodesy is a package of geodesy-related utilities made in golang, including ellipsoid constants for development of geographic and geospatial implementations
import "github.com/lggomez/go-geodesy"
type Point [2]float64
Point represents a latitude-longitude pair in decimal degrees
const (
LatLowerBound = float64(-90)
LatUpperBound = float64(90)
LonLowerBound = float64(-180)
LonUpperBound = float64(180)
func (p Point) Antipode() Point
Antipode returns a new point representing the geographical antipode of p
func (p Point) Equals(p2 Point) bool
Equals returns whether p is equal in latitude and longitude to p2
func (p Point) IsAntipodeOf(p2 Point) bool
IsAntipodeOf returns whether p is the exact antipode of p2 or not
func (p Point) Lat() float64
Lat returns point p's latitude
func (p Point) LatRadians() float64
LatRadians returns point p's latitude in radians
func (p Point) Lon() float64
Lon returns point p's longitude
func (p Point) LonRadians() float64
LonRadians returns point p's longitude in radians
import "github.com/lggomez/go-geodesy/distance"
func Haversine(p1, p2 geodesy.Point) float64
Haversine calculates the ellipsoidal distance in meters between 2 points using the Haversine formula and the WGS-84 ellipsoid constants. If any of the points does not constitute a valid geographic coordinate, the returned distance will be math.NaN().
func VincentyInverse(p1, p2 geodesy.Point, accuracy float64, calculateAzimuth bool) (float64, float64, float64)
VincentyInverse calculates the ellipsoidal distance in meters and azimuth in degrees between 2 points using the inverse Vincenty formulae and the WGS-84 ellipsoid constants. As it is an iterative operation it will converge to the defined accuracy, if accuracy < 0 it will use the default accuracy of 1e-12 (approximately 0.06 mm, magnitude should be no bigger than 1e-6). If calculateAzimuth is set to true, it will compute the forward and reverse azimuths (otherwise, these default to math.NaN()). If any of the points does not constitute a valid geographic coordinate, the returned distance will be math.NaN().
The following notations are used in the implementation:
* a length of semi-major axis of the ellipsoid (radius at equator)
* ƒ flattening of the ellipsoid
* b = (1 − ƒ) a length of semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid (radius at the poles)
* u1 = arctan( (1 − ƒ) tan lat1 ) reduced latitude for p1 (latitude on the auxiliary sphere);
* u2 = arctan( (1 − ƒ) tan lat2 ) reduced latitude for p2 (latitude on the auxiliary sphere);
* L1, L2 longitude of the points;
* L = L2 − L1 difference in longitude of two points;
* λ Difference in longitude of the points on the auxiliary sphere;
* α1, α2 forward azimuths at the points;
* α forward azimuth of the geodesic at the equator, if it were extended that far;
* s ellipsoidal distance between the two points;
* σ angular separation between points;
* σ1 angular separation between the point and the equator;
* σm angular separation between the midpoint of the line and the equator;
import "github.com/lggomez/go-geodesy/ellipsoids"
const (
// Geocentric gravitational constant GM, defined in (m^3)/(s^2)
GRS80_GEOCENTRIC_GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT float64 = 3_986_005_000_000_000
// Dynamical form factor J2; adimensional
GRS80_DYNAMICAL_FORM_FACTOR float64 = 0.0108263
// Dynamical form factor ω; defined in s^-1
GRS80_ANGULAR_VELOCITY float64 = 0.0007292115
Defining physical constants
const (
// Semi minor axis b, defined in meters (m)
GRS80_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS float64 = 6_356_752.314140
// Aspect ratio (b/a); adimensional
GRS80_ASPECT_RATIO float64 = 0.996647189318816362
// Mean radius R1 = (2a+b)/3, defined in meters (m)
GRS80_MEAN_RADIUS = 6_371_008.7714
// Mean radius R2, defined in meters (m)
GRS80_AUTHALIC_MEAN_RADIUS = 6_371_007.1810
// Radius of a sphere of the same volume R3 = ((a^2)*b)^(1/3); defined in meters (m)
GRS80_SPHERE_RADIUS = 6_371_000.7900
// Polar radius of curvature = (a^2)/b; defined in meters (m)
// Equatorial radius of curvature for a meridian = (b^2)/a; defined in meters (m)
// Meridian quadrant (meridian quarter); defined in meters (m)
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meridian_arc#Quarter_meridian
GRS80_MERIDIAN_QUADRANT = 10_001_965.7293
// Linear eccentricity c = sqrt((a^2)-(b^2)); defined in meters (m)
// Eccentricity of elliptical section through poles e = sqrt((a^2)-(b^2))/a; adimensional
// Flattening f; adimensional
GRS80_FLATTENING float64 = 0.003352810681183637418
// Flattening inverse (1/f); adimensional
GRS80_FLATTENING_INVERSE float64 = 1 / 0.003352810681183637418
Derived geometrical constants (all rounded)
const (
// Period of rotation (sidereal day) = 2π/ω; defined in seconds (s)
GRS80_ROTATION_PERIOD float64 = 8_616.4100637
Derived physical constants (all rounded)
const (
// Semi major axis a, defined in meters (m)
GRS80_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS float64 = 6_378_137
Derived geometrical constants (all rounded)
const (
// WGS84_GEOCENTRIC_GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT Geocentric gravitational constant GM, defined in (m^3)/(s^2)
WGS84_GEOCENTRIC_GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT float64 = 3_986_005_000_000_000
// WGS84_DYNAMICAL_FORM_FACTOR Dynamical form factor J2; adimensional
// See https://ahrs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/wgs84.html#ahrs.utils.wgs84.WGS.dynamical_form_factor
WGS84_DYNAMICAL_FORM_FACTOR float64 = 0.0010826298213129219
// WGS84_ANGULAR_VELOCITY Dynamical form factor ω; defined in s^-1
WGS84_ANGULAR_VELOCITY float64 = 0.0007292115
Defining physical constants
const (
// WGS84_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS Semi minor axis b, defined in meters (m)
WGS84_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS float64 = 6_356_752.31424518
// WGS84_ASPECT_RATIO Aspect ratio (b/a); adimensional
WGS84_ASPECT_RATIO float64 = 0.9966471893352525
// WGS84_MEAN_RADIUS Mean radius R1 = (2a+b)/3, defined in meters (m)
WGS84_MEAN_RADIUS = 6_371_008.771415059
// WGS84_AUTHALIC_MEAN_RADIUS Mean radius R2, defined in meters (m)
WGS84_AUTHALIC_MEAN_RADIUS = 6_371_007.1809182055
// WGS84_SPHERE_RADIUS Radius of a sphere of the same volume R3 = ((a^2)*b)^(1/3); defined in meters (m)
WGS84_SPHERE_RADIUS = 6_371_000.79000916
// WGS84_POLAR_CURVATURE_RADIUS Polar radius of curvature = (a^2)/b; defined in meters (m)
WGS84_POLAR_CURVATURE_RADIUS = 6_399_593.625758493
// WGS84_MERIDIAN_CURVATURE_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS Equatorial radius of curvature for a meridian = (b^2)/a; defined in meters (m)
// WGS84_MERIDIAN_QUADRANT Meridian quadrant (meridian quarter); defined in meters (m)
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meridian_arc#Quarter_meridian
WGS84_MERIDIAN_QUADRANT = 10_001_965.729
// WGS84_LINEAR_ECCENTRICITY Linear eccentricity c = sqrt((a^2)-(b^2)); defined in meters (m)
WGS84_LINEAR_ECCENTRICITY = 521_854.0084234
// WGS84_LINEAR_ECCENTRICITY_POLES Eccentricity of elliptical section through poles e = sqrt((a^2)-(b^2))/a; adimensional
WGS84_LINEAR_ECCENTRICITY_POLES = 0.0818191918426205
// WGS84_FLATTENING Flattening f; adimensional
WGS84_FLATTENING float64 = 1 / 298.257223563
// WGS84_FLATTENING_INVERSE Flattening inverse (1/f); adimensional
WGS84_FLATTENING_INVERSE float64 = 298.257223563
Defining geometrical constants
const (
// WGS84_ROTATION_PERIOD Period of rotation (sidereal day) = 2π/ω; defined in seconds (s)
WGS84_ROTATION_PERIOD float64 = 8_616.4100637
Derived physical constants (all rounded)
const (
// WGS84_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS Semi major axis a, defined in meters (m)
WGS84_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS float64 = 6_378_137
Defining geometrical constants