- Hello! I'm Lee Hyunje, a non-stop developer.
- I like to learn new things. I try not to stop gaining new knowledge.
- I feel the greatest joy when I make code of what I think.
- It seeks sustainable development, not a one-off project.
- I think developers are not just code makers as they are given, but they are 'value creators' who actively create things that can help people.
- LikeLion HUFS 10th crew
- LikeLion HUFS 11th Backend Lead
- CloudClub 4th, 5th crew
- AUSG(AWSKRUG University Student Group) 8th Crew
- AWSKRUG Serverless Organizer
- ACC SCD(AWSCloudClub StudentCommunityDay) Lambda와 EventBridge는 여러분에게 날개를 달아줘요