- Austria / United Kingdom
ukc-client-project Public
---- CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT ---- Client Project app (iOS) for module during MSc degree Mobile Application Development at University of Kent Canterbury. Client project for Estate and OPERA at UKC.
github-api Public
Small iOS app developed in Swift within 1 day, that is showing public Swift-Repositories received from the GithubAPI in a TableView, and showing Details/Owner/Contributor in a DetailView.
ukc-web-project Public
Project app for mobile web module during MSc degree Mobile Application Development at University of Kent Canterbury
keymate Public
This is an iOS project for the module "Software Engineering under iOS" for the BSc degree Mobile Computing at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.
hack4no Public
Participation in international 36h hackathon near Oslo (Norway). This was a prototype mobile application (developed in 2 days), which analyses meteorological data to create a recommendation on wher…
ukc-ios-project Public
Project app for ios module during MSc degree Mobile Application Development at University of Kent Canterbury