Angular directive for Laydate (version >= 5.x)
English | ็ฎไฝไธญๆ
is an Angular (ver >= 2.x) directive for Laydate (ver >= 5.x).
Latest version @npm:
for Angular >= 13v12.x
for Angular >= 12v11.x
for Angular >= 11v10.x
for Angular >= 10v1.x
for Angular >= 2.x
# if you use npm
npm install layui-laydate -S
npm install ngx-laydate -S
# or if you use yarn
yarn add layui-laydate
yarn add ngx-laydate
Please refer to the demo page.
Firstly, import
in your app module (or any other proper angular module):import { NgxLaydateModule } from 'ngx-laydate'; @NgModule({ imports: [ NgxLaydateModule.forRoot({ /** * This will import all modules from laydate. * If you only need custom modules, * please refer to [Custom Build] section. * PS: Angular Version >= 11 need @ts-ignore or src/types/index.d.ts(declare module 'layui-laydate') * Issues Link: */ // @ts-ignore laydate: () => import('layui-laydate'), // or import path-to-my-custom-laydate') path: 'assets/laydate/', // or import path-to-my-custom-laydate') }), ], }) export class AppModule {}
Then: configure assets in the
architect: {
...(PS: build -> options)
assets: [
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "node_modules/layui-laydate/dist/",
"output": "assets/laydate"
Then: use
directive in a input element-
Simple example:
- html:
<input laydate [options]="laydateOption" />
- component:
// ... laydateOption = { lang: 'en', value: '1989-10-14', done: (value, date, endDate) => { // Get the generated value of the date, for example: 2017-08-18 console.log(value);seconds: 0} // Get the date time object: {year: 2017, month: 8, date: 18, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0} console.log(date); // Get the end date time object, only returns when range selection is enabled (range: true). The object members are the same as above. console.log(endDate); } };
directive support following input properties:
Input | Type | Default | Description |
[options] |
object | null | The same as the options on the official demo site. |
For example:
- html:
<input laydate [options]="laydateOptions" #myLaydate="laydate" />
- component:
@ViewChild('myLaydate', { static: true, read: NgxLaydateDirective }) myLaydateRef: NgxLaydateDirective;
this.options = {
min: '2016-10-14',
max: '2080-10-14',
ready: () => {
this.myLaydateRef.hint('Date selection is set within the range of <br> October 14, 2016 to October 14, 2080.');
As Laydate supports the 'click'
events, our ngx-laydate
directive also supports the same click events but with an additional laydate
prefix. For example:
- html:
<input laydate [options]="laydateOptions" (laydateDone)="onDone($event)" />
- typescript:
onDone([value, date]): void {
alert('You have selected the date: ' + value + '\nThe obtained object is ' + JSON.stringify(date));
- The '$event' is same with the 'params' that Laydate dispatches.
It supports following event outputs:
@Output | Event |
laydateInit | Emitted when the laydate is initialized |
laydateReady | laydate event: 'ready' |
laydateChange | laydate event: 'done' |
laydateDone | laydate event: 'change' |
laydateClose | laydate event: 'close' |
You can refer to the Laydate tutorial: Events and Actions in Laydate for more details of the event params. You can also refer to the demo page for a detailed example.
You can clone this repo to your working copy and then launch the demo page in your local machine:
npm install
npm run start
# or
yarn install
yarn start
The demo page server is listening on: http://localhost:4200