📦 Archived 📦
This repo is no longer maintained. All the features of SLiVER-CADP are available in the SLiVER tool.
SLiVER-CADP is a tool for the analysis of multi-agent systems specified in the LAbS language [1, 2]. It uses the CADP toolbox to perform model checking or simulation of the system.
This page contains source code and binary releases of SLiVER-CADP for Linux x64 systems.
Typically, a SLiVER release will contain the following files and directories:
Filename | Description |
atlas/ , cadp/ |
Files used by CADP backends |
examples/ |
Example LAbS specifications |
labs/ |
LAbS parser and translator |
Change log |
The software license for SLiVER |
This document |
README.txt |
Release-specific instructions |
sliver.py |
SLiVER command-line front-end |
*.py |
SLiVER support files |
other files and directories | Python libraries used by SLiVER |
To install SLiVER-CADP, please follow the steps below:
Install and obtain a license for CADP
Install Python 3.8 or higher
Download and extract the latest version of SLiVER from the Releases page
Set execution (+x) permissions for
./sliver.py --help
from the command line should now display basic usage directions. -
for additional (release-specific) instructions.
The COORDINATION paper [3] (PDF) contains further usage information.
Building the Fsharp components requires dotnet
Simply run make osx
or make linux
from the repository's base directory.
A build
folder will be generated containing the executables.
macOS builds are not officially supported and require macOS 10.12 or higher.
If you encounter any issues while running SLiVER, please contact the author: Luca Di Stefano [email protected]
[1] R. De Nicola, L. Di Stefano, and O. Inverso, “Multi-Agent Systems with Virtual Stigmergy,” in Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF) Workshops. LNCS, vol 11176. Springer, 2018. Link
[2] R. De Nicola, L. Di Stefano, and O. Inverso, “Multi-agent systems with virtual stigmergy,” Sci. Comput. Program., vol. 187, p. 102345, 2020. Link
[3] L. Di Stefano, F. Lang, and W. Serwe, “Combining SLiVER with CADP to Analyze Multi-agent Systems,” in 22nd International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION). LNCS, vol. 12134. Springer, 2020. Link
[4] L. Di Stefano, “Modelling and Verification of Multi-Agent Systems via Sequential Emulation,” PhD Thesis, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy, 2020. Link
[5] L. Di Stefano and F. Lang, “Verifying temporal properties of stigmergic collective systems using CADP,” in 10th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA), LNCS, vol. 13036. Springer, 2021 (To appear).