A node based server side application with 'nedb' Database.
This is a simple web application, I put together when playing around with node.js for server side API handling using the Node.js web application framework - Express.js. The database is handled by Nedb Node package, while rendering of the Maps is done using OpenStreetMaps and Leaflet.js. It is hosted in Heroku.
Accessing the link, the application will ask for Location permission. Once Location permission is granted, The application will fetch the weather and temperature using the Openweathermap API. Additionaly the Airquality if available will be fetched through the OpenAQ API. Once 'Checked IN', the current location and the weather data at the time of check-in will be sent to the server and saved in the database. View Checkin option will render All the checked in locations within a Map.
- Javascript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Nedb - Database
- OpenweatherMap and OpenAQ for weather data
- Leaflet.js and OpenStreetMaps for map rendering
- Heroku for hosting