Simple bash aliases for easy installation of polkadot node for Kusama network.
- Add new user, set password, add sudo rights and login to that user
adduser kusama
passwd kusama
usermod -aG sudo kusama # Ubuntu/Debian
usermod -aG wheel kusama # Centos/Rocky
su kusama && cd ~
- Once logged in to user running node, install lz4, curl, git, jq, micro, tar and wget
# if ubuntu/debian
sudo apt-get install -y curl git lz4 jq tar wget &&
curl | GETMICRO_REGISTER=y sudo sh &&
sudo cp micro /usr/local/bin && sudo mv micro /usr/sbin
# if centos/rocky
sudo yum install -y curl git lz4 jq tar wget &&
curl | GETMICRO_REGISTER=y sudo sh &&
sudo cp micro /usr/local/bin && sudo mv micro /usr/sbin
git clone ~/polkacli &&
mv ~/polkacli/.polkacli ~/ && rm -rf ~/polkacli &&
echo "# source polkacli
. ~/.polkacli" >> ~/.bashrc &&
. ~/.bashrc
Description= $NETWORK Validator - $NODE_NAME
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/polkadot \
--database=RocksDb \
--pruning 1000 --chain $NETWORK --validator \
--telemetry-url 'wss:// 1' \
--port 30333 --ws-port 9944 --rpc-port 9933 --name "$NODE_NAME"
--> node should be running
logsnow # to see whats going on .
- edit = Edit the validator service with micro terminal
- stop = Stop the validator service
- start = Start the validator service
- enable = Enable the validator service to be booted on startup
- disable = Disable the validator service not to be booted on startup
- status = Check the status of the validator
- reload = Reload the daemon after changes made in the service
- restart = Restart the validator service
- logsnow = Shows realtime logs
- logs = Shows last 1000 logs
- version = Shows your polkadot client version
- download = Download latest polkadot client from github, give execution rights and name it polkadot_latest
- update = Stop node, update client, start node
- scriptupdate = Updates the latest version of the script
- shotdl = Download latest polkashot
- shotupdate = Stop the node & delete old database & extract new database & start the node
- shotdel = Delete downloaded database
- rotatekeys = Rotates your Validator node sessionkey, prints and appends the new sessionkey to sessionkeys.log
- epochauthorship = command to check if your node is active block producer
- Create installer script including options to install for parachains
- Add secure firewall setup
- Add secure SSH ruling
- Create proper CLI tool instead of bashing with aliases
- Make script to support CentOS / Ubuntu