Hi, I'm kugimiya
(also known as kugichka
or Andrew Goncharov, [email protected])
- At the moment I have been studying programming for more than 8 years, I have been constantly developing software for more than 6 years. Basically my software is the Web.
- 🌍 I'm based in Ulyanovsk, Russia
- 🖥️ See my portfolio at my personal site
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on NodeJS-libraries, NLP, Cryptography (not block-chains!)
- ⚡ Open to job offers :3
const kugi = {
pronouns: ['he', 'him'],
job: 'Senior React @ https://mish.design',
languages: [TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Python, C],
focusedAt: [Frontend, Node.MicroServices, Docker, LiveCoding],
currentProjects: {
nosorter: [
'internet-radio streaming solution',
finishedProjects: {
'codeleaf-sdk': [
'list of tools for quick service prototyping',
'leafk-bot': [
'library for building bots for minecraft',
'cyrillic-atarifont': [
'custom cyrillic charset in atari aestetic',
longtap: [
'jQuery plugin for long tap functionality',