A bare-bones, ridiculously simple metagenomics pipeline for viruses using Kraken 2 written in Nextflow.
This project follows the semver pro forma and uses the git-flow branching model.
- Install Nextflow (>= 21.10.6)
- Install [Conda]
- Install one or more of
- Singularity (Recommended)
- Podman
- Docker
- Download a Kraken2 database
- Download a BLAST database
Check out the Installation docs for a more nuanced take on the requirements.
nextflow run ksumngs/v-met \
-profile <singularity,podman,docker> \
--platform <illumina,nanopore> \
--kraken2_db /path/to/kraken2/database \
--blast_db /path/to/blast/database \
[--input /path/to/reads/folder] \
[--blast_target list] \
[--outdir /path/to/output]
nextflow run ksumngs/v-met \
-profile singularity \
--platform illumina \
--kraken2_db /databases/kraken2/nt \
--blast_target 'none'
nextflow run ksumngs/v-met \
-profile podman \
--platform nanopore \
--kraken2_db /databases/kraken2/viral \
--blast_db /databases/blast/ \
--blast_target classified
There are way more parameters than listed here. For a more complete description, please read the docs on Usage and Parameters.