Set random wallpapers with or without a keyword
pip install wanda -U
You may also use pipx
Install termux and termux-api
In termux:
pkg up
pkg in clang pkg-config libxml2 libxslt libjpeg-turbo termux-api python
pip install cython lxml==5.2.2
pip install wanda -U
For issues installing pillow refer this document
# Set randomly (uses picsum)
# Set from a keyword (uses picsum)
wanda -t mountain
# Set from a source
wanda -s wallhaven
# Set from a source with keyword
wanda -s wallhaven -t japan
# Use shortcode for source (w=wallhaven)
# For other shortcodes for other sources, check 'wanda -u'
wanda -s w -t japan
# Set album covers (m=musicbrainz)
# album cover would be square, so use -f to fit it to screen
# format for query with musicbrainz is 'artist-album'
wanda -s m -t "Meltt-Love Again" -f
# Set from folder (l=local)
wanda -s l -t "/path/to/wallpapers"
# download current wallpaper
wanda -d
# android specific - set wallpaper to lockscreen only
wanda -l
# android specific - set wallpaper to homescreen only
wanda -o
wanda -h
for more details
- By default, the source is picsum.
- Some sources may have inapt images. Use them at your own risk.
- 4chan via Rozen Arcana
- artstation
- imgur via rimgo
- earthview
- generated
- local
- musicbrainz (Album covers)
- picsum
- wallhaven
- waifu
git clone
cd wanda
poetry install
poetry build
poetry run wanda
pip uninstall wanda
This project was originally called Wallpapers-ANDroid
Why the a at the end? 'wand' was already taken I think. a for awesome, i guess.