A template with Nuxt3 built on Vue3 with focus on performance and best practices.
Note You need Node.js on your computer before running.
- First clone this repository and navigate into your project directory
copy .env-example .env
- copy the .env file- Install the dependencies:
npm run install
- Run the development server:
npm run dev
To launch the project in development mode with hot module replacement.
You can view the development server at http://localhost:3000
Build and optimize your application with Vite for production.
npm run build
: build for production with minification
Build the application, generate every route as a HTML file and statically export to dist/ directory.
npm run generate
: to generate static project files
The option shows the current changes, that are made in development mode to check that everything works before deploying the condo to production.
npm run preview
: shows a live project preview
Start the production server (after running npm run build
npm run start
: starts a web-server with a preview of your project
Navigate into your project directory and start linting your files.
npm run lint:js
: lints JavaScript filesnpm run lint:js:fix
: to eliminate all possible errors
npm run lint:css
: lints Cascading Style Sheets filesnpm run lint:css:fix
: to eliminate all possible errors
npm run lint:files
: lints configuration files with Prettiernpm run lint:files:fix
: to eliminate all possible errors
npm run lint:full
- to run all lints commands abovenpm run lint:full:fix
- to run all lints all commands above and fix those automatically
Commands for NPM to manage the packages.