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Matthias Kreier edited this page Mar 12, 2019 · 3 revisions

T-80 Robot car with bluetooth control

This is my second working sample of a remotely controlled robot at the American International School Vietnam. It has been build and programmed on March 6th, 2019 in two hours. That's how it looks:


All materials were ordered at CỬA HÀNG IC ĐÂY RỒI. This is the list:

  1. Arduino UNO R3 DIP 110.000₫
  2. Khung Xe Robot 68.000₫
  3. Driver motor L298N 29.000₫

Sciencefair 2019

This project was the winning project for grade 9 in the AIS Sciencefair 2019! Even the solar panel was provided and soldered by me. And on the morning of March 7th the power source was updated to two Lithium batteries (8 Volt from two 18650) instead of 4 AA batteries. The measurement showed that the 5 Volt from new batteries dropped to 4.3 Volt once the motors were started. This lead to a reset of the bluetooth module, lost connection - and the remote no longer worked.

Result of this project: I won! At least it got the most points from the judges against the other 18 projects. More about it on this website. Its project 14.

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