Rails engine inspired by Que::Web for Que job queue. SQL queries came from Que::Web, some styling from there too.
Benefits for using this one:
- no Sinatra (que-web based on Sinatra),
- no Foundation for styles (and no external styles at all),
- no jQuery (and no java scripts at all),
- Que::Web was last updated 2 years ago.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'que'
gem 'que-view'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
You can configure username/password for production web view. Add this lines to config/initializers/que_view.rb
Que::View.configure do |config|
config.ui_username = 'username'
config.ui_password = 'password'
config.ui_secured_environments = ['production']
Add this line to config/routes.rb
mount Que::View::Engine => '/que_view'
Add this line to assets/config/manifest.js
//= link que/view/application.css
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.