This repo is a fork off of aurelia typescript webpack skeleton modified to utilize the Gentelella free bootstrap theme
It does not currently have support for all the pages of existing gentelella, and some of the javascript tools (like pie charts) needed for dashboard controls have not yet been incorporated in project.
jquery-flot The hardest challenge to the conversion was incorporation of jquery-flot. Jquery-flot doesn't follow module patterns currently in use for webpack/typescript, so had to do some individual file imports. I also had to bring in the flot-spline depency as a file import from a "vendors" folder. I did not want to use bower, which is the only library source for this file currently - at least that which I could find.
Before you start, make sure you have a recent version of NodeJS environment >=4.0 with NPM 3.
From the project folder, execute the following commands:
npm install
This will install all required dependencies, including a local version of Webpack that is going to build and bundle the app. There is no need to install Webpack globally.
To run the app execute the following command:
npm start
This command starts the webpack development server that serves the build bundles. You can now browse the skeleton app at http://localhost:9000. Changes in the code will automatically build and reload the app.
Most of the configuration will happen in the webpack.config.js
There, you may configure advanced loader features or add direct SASS or LESS loading support.
To build a development bundle (output to /dist) execute:
npm run build
To build an optimized, minified production bundle (output to /dist) execute:
npm run build:prod
To test either the development or production build execute:
npm run server:prod
The production bundle includes all files that are required for deployment.
You may want to separate out parts of your code to other files.
This can be done by specifying a build resource object inside package.json
For example, if you wanted to lazy-load the /users path of the skeleton you could define it as follows:
// (package.json)
"aurelia": {
"build": {
"resources": [
"path": "users",
"bundle": "users",
"lazy": true
The "path" field can be either a string or an array of strings.
The string should be a path, relative to the src or in case of an external resource, as a require path (e.g. aurelia-plugin/some-resource.html
, .ts
and .html
extensions are optional and will be resolved automatically.
The bundle setting is recursive, therefore any files required by the specified path will also be contained by the bundle, unless they are also contained by another one (iteration is done from first to last resource).
Resources must also be specified in case Aurelia is supposed to load an external file or an external module that was not defined as a resource by any of the dependencies. Since the syntax is still relatively new, most Aurelia plugins don't define their resources. There might also be reasons not to declare those resources, in case the plugin is to be consumed only partially. If you'd like to use external resources, you should declare them yourself, like so:
// (package.json)
"aurelia": {
"build": {
"resources": [
You can also combine both features to separate out plugins or resources for lazy-loading:
// (package.json)
"aurelia": {
"build": {
"resources": [
"path": "aurelia-animator-css",
"bundle": "animator",
"lazy": true
"path": [
// lets say we only use the checkbox from within subpage1
// we want those to be bundled together in a bundle called: "subpage1"
"bundle": "subpage1",
"lazy": true
Please see for more information.
To run the unit tests:
npm run test
Integration tests are performed with Protractor.
Place your E2E-Tests into the folder
Run the tests by invoking
npm run e2e
- Make sure your app runs and is accessible
WEBPACK_PORT=19876 npm start
- Once bundle is ready, run the E2E-Tests in another console
npm run e2e:start