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This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 16, 2022. It is now read-only.


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JavaScript Style Guide Build Status Dependencies Dev Dependencies Tested with Jest Coverage Status Conventional Commits Commitizen Friendly Styled with Prettier

A boilerplate for Ethereum dapps.

Get Started

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Install and set up the MetaMask chrome extension.
  3. Configure MetaMask on the Kovan Test Network.
  4. Run yarn to install dependencies and then yarn start to start the dev server.

Other Scripts

  • yarn run prettify - Apply prettier to the entire project.
  • yarn run lint:scss - Lint the entire project's .scss files.
  • yarn run lint:js - Lint the entire project's .js files.
  • yarn run lint:scss --fix - Fix fixable linting errors in .scss files.
  • yarn run lint:js --fix - Fix fixable linting errors in .js files.
  • yarn run lint - Lint the entire project's .scss and .js files.
  • yarn test - Run the jest test suites + storyshots.
  • yarn run storybook - Start the storybook.
  • yarn run cz - Run commitizen.
  • yarn run build - Create a production build.
  • yarn run build:analyze - Analyze the production build using source-map-explorer.


Storybook Storyshots for components and jest integration tests for containers.