This is a pure-Ruby implementation of the OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880).
OpenPGP is the most widely-used e-mail encryption standard in the world. It is defined by the OpenPGP Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Proposed Standard RFC 4880. The OpenPGP standard was originally derived from PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), first created by Phil Zimmermann in 1991.
Encodes and decodes ASCII-armored OpenPGP messages.
Parses OpenPGP messages into their constituent packets.
Supports both old-format (PGP 2.6.x) and new-format (RFC 4880) packets.
Includes a GnuPG wrapper for features that are not natively supported.
require 'openpgp'
require 'open-uri' text = open('').read msg = OpenPGP::Message.parse(OpenPGP.dearmor(text))
gpg = => '~/.gnupg') key_id = gpg.gen_key({ :key_type => 'DSA', :key_length => 1024, :subkey_type => 'ELG-E', :subkey_length => 1024, :name => 'J. Random Hacker', :comment => nil, :email => '[email protected]', :passphrase => 'secret passphrase', })
To get a local working copy of the development repository, do:
% git clone git://
Alternatively, you can download the latest development version as a tarball as follows:
% wget
The recommended installation method is via RubyGems. To install the latest official release from RubyForge, do:
% [sudo] gem install openpgp
To use the very latest bleeding-edge development version, install the gem directly from GitHub as follows:
% [sudo] gem install bendiken-openpgp -s
Arto Bendiken ([email protected]) -
All source code is available under the terms of the MIT license. For more information, see the accompanying LICENSE file.