Because the website is no longer maintained since 2015, all data have been completely moved to GitHub.
KFLog is a open source flight planning and post flight analysis application running on a Linux desktop like Debian, Ubuntu and various other Unix-Systems. It has been built up by using the Qt5 C++ Framework.
KFLog projects the flight on a digital vector map, that contains not only airfields and airspaces, but a complete elevation-map, roads cities, rivers and lots of other interesting objects. Tha aeronautical data are downloaded from Please consider the user conditions of their Data License.
KFLog is fully ported to Qt5.15.2 the last official Qt5 release. Current Debian and Ubuntu packages are to find here in Git-Hub together the latest change log file. If you want to contribute to KFLog, feel free to contribute your improvements or corrections here as pull requests.
The current bug tracker is located at Git-Hub:
Please report any found bugs or change requests there.
The last published Debian and Ubuntu release is 5.0.1 at 2022-04-23. The debian package was build under MX Linux using Debian bullseye.
Last update: 2023-04-24