is a neato gem for implementing the EAV (entity-attribute-value)
database design pattern in your Rails models. All you need to do is add one
line to your model's code and that's it! Schema generation is automatically
handled for you.
- Keys are now being defaulted to symbols instead of being symbols or strings.
- Keys are now whitelisted into a separate class and must be included in that class to be valid.
- We are using the PaperTrail gem to keep track of versions
Rails' ActiveRecord includes a helper function, serialize
, to allow you to
save complex data types (like hashes) into your database. Unfortunately, it
isn't very useful. A lot of overhead is created from serialization and
deserialization, and you can't search by the contents of your hash. That's
where eav_hashes
comes in.
Great question! Lets dive in with a simple code example, but first lets set up the gem.
Put this in your gemfile...
gem "eav_hashes", "~> 1.1.0"
...and update your bundle.
$ bundle install
Now, lets make this Rails model.
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
eav_hash_for :tech_specs
Now run this generator to create a migration:
$ rails generate eav_migration Product tech_specs
And run the migration:
$ rake db:migrate
Now watch the magic the happen:
# Assuming this whole example is on a blank DB, of course
a_product = Product.new
a_product.tech_specs["Widget Power"] = "1.21 GW"
a_product.tech_specs["Battery Life (hours)"] = 12
a_product.tech_specs["Warranty (years)"] = 3.5
a_product.tech_specs["RoHS Compliant"] = true
# Setting a value to nil deletes the entry
a_product.tech_specs["Warranty (years)"] = nil
the_same_product = Product.first
puts the_same_product.tech_specs["nonexistant key"]
# magic alert: this actually gets the count of EVERY entry of every
# hash for this model, but for this example this works
puts "Entry Count: #{ProductTechSpecsEntry.count}"
the_same_product.tech_specs.each_pair do |key, value|
puts "#{key}: #{value.to_s}"
# Ruby's default types: Integer, Float, Complex, Rational, Symbol,
# TrueClass, and FalseClass are preserved between transactions like
# you would expect them to.
puts the_same_product.tech_specs["Battery Life (hours)"]+3
And the output, as you can expect, will be along the lines of:
Entry Count: 3
Widget Power: 1.21 GW
Battery Life (hours): 12
RoHS Compliant: true
That looks incredibly simple, right? Good! It's supposed to be! All the magic
happens when you call save!
Now you could start doing other cool stuff, like searching for products based on their tech specs! You've already figured out how to do this, haven't you?
flux_capacitor = Product.find_by_tech_specs("Widget Power", "1.21 GW")
Nifty, right?
Sure, but they'll be serialized into YAML (so you cant search by them like you
would an eav_hash). The value
column is a TEXT type by default but if you
want to optimize your DB size you could change it to a VARCHAR in the migration
if you don't plan on storing large values.
By default, eav_hash
uses a table name derived from the following:
You can change this by passing a symbol to the :table_name
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
eav_hash_for :foobar, table_name: :bar_foo
Just remember to edit the table name in the migration, or use the following migration generator:
$ rails generate eav_migration Widget foobar bar_foo
You can change this by passing false
to the :use_versioning
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
eav_hash_for :foobar, use_versioning: false
By using this software, you agree to write me into your will as your next of kin, and to sacrifice the soul of your first born child to Beelzebub.
Just kidding, the code is released under the MIT license so you can use it for whatever purposes you see fit. Just don't sue me if your application blows up from the sheer awesomeness! Check out the LICENSE file for more information.
Thanks to Matt Kimmel for adding support for models contained in namespaces.
Thanks to Arpad Lukacs for adding Enumerator-like behavior.
Thanks to Christopher Bartling and jenskdsgn for fixing deprecation warnings in Rails 5.
You're probably reading this from GitHub, so you know what to do. If not, the Github project is at https://github.com/iostat/eav_hashes