iOS 5+ is supported
Copyright (c) 2014 Linus Yang
- AppSync is NOT for piracy.
- AppSync is for freedom of iOS development with official SDK.
- Jailbreak is NOT for piracy.
- Jailbreak is for freedom of your iOS device.
- NO Debian package of AppSync will be provided here.
AppSync is a tool to synchronize your IPA Package freely, especially useful for iOS developers who are not enrolled in the iOS developers' program to test their apps on devices.
Currently, all so-called "AppSync for iOS 7" is made by the notorious Chinese iOS piracy website This pp25 version of AppSync modifies installd
's launch daemon plist file for interposing signature checking routines, which is an ugly workaround and extremely unstable, causing force close of system apps, or other unexpected behaviours.
On the contrary, the AppSync implementation here ultilizes the dynamic hooking function MSHookFunction
of Cydia Substrate by @saurik to bypass the signature check, which does not modify any system files and is more generic, stable and safe.
Again, AppSync is NOT meant to support piracy. Please no piracy and support developers!
com.saurik.iphone.fmil by @saurik
git clone --recursive
cd AppSync
make package # If you have dpkg-deb utilities
Licensed under GPLv3.