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Freestyle is an Express.js-based skeleton project with a backend and frontend. It features a database setup using Sequelize, user authentication, and basic CRUD functionality. The frontend is built using React, and it uses Vite for development and production builds.

Table of Contents


To install and set up this project locally:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd freestyle
  3. Install backend dependencies:

    npm install --prefix backend
  4. Install frontend dependencies:

    npm install --prefix frontend


Running Both Backend and Frontend To run the development servers for both the backend and frontend simultaneously:

  1. Start the backend:

    npm run start-backend
  2. Start the frontend:

    npm run start-frontend-dev

Both servers will be running locally, with the frontend on http://localhost:3000 and the backend on http://localhost:8000.

Running Backend in Production

  1. To start the backend in production mode, run:

    npm run start-backend --production

Backend Setup

Environment Variables

Ensure you have the following environment variables set up in a .env file:

  • DB_URL: URL for your database (PostgreSQL/SQLite)
  • JWT_SECRET: Secret for signing JWT tokens

Database Setup

Run the following commands to set up your database with Sequelize:

  • Create the database:

     npm run db:create --prefix backend
  • Apply Migrations

      npm run db:migrate --prefix backend
  • Seed the database:

     npm run db:seed:all --prefix backend

You can also reset the database using:

  npm run db:reset --prefix backend

Frontend Setup

The frontend is built with React and uses Vite as the bundler.

To run the frontend in development mode:

  npm run start-frontend-dev --prefix frontend

To build the frontend for production:

  npm run build --prefix frontend

To preview the production build:

  npm run preview --prefix frontend

API Endpoints

Here are the main API routes for the backend:

GET /api/products

  • Description: Fetch all products
  • Response: List of products in JSON format

POST /api/products

  • Description: Add a new product
  • Body:
      "name": "Product Name",
      "price": 19.99,
      "description": "Product description"
  • Response: Newly created product object

PUT /api/products/:id

  • Description: Update an existing product
  • Response: Updated product object

DELETE /api/products/:id

  • Description: Delete a product by ID
  • Response: Success message


Backend Scripts

  • npm run start-backend: Starts the backend server.
  • npm run db:create: Creates the database.
  • npm run db:migrate: Runs database migrations.
  • npm run db:seed:all: Seeds the database with data.
  • npm run db:reset: Resets the database (drop, create, migrate, seed).

Frontend Scripts

  • npm run start-frontend-dev: Runs the frontend in development mode.
  • npm run build: Builds the frontend for production.
  • npm run preview: Previews the production build.


  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Open a pull request.


Capstone project for App Academy






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