Remake of old BASIC game 'Dictator' for Spectrum, devised and written by Don PRIESTLEY (DkTRONICS, 1983), rewritten in C by #kstn (2015).
There are no BASIC's surreallistic colours, but in other respects game is quite identical. So if you like to tousle you nostalgia it is written for you. ATM code is not very nice but works quite well.
Any feedback, ideas, fixes, bug reports are welcomed.
Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ make
For successful making you need "ncurses.h" so may be you'll need install it.
And run
Or install it
$ sudo make install
Game consists only of one executable file so if you'll want to uninstall it you can use
$ sudo make uninstall
or just remove file
$ sudo rm $(which dictator)