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Bun Tricks

A collection of useful Bun tricks

Avoid TS global type incompatibilities

Bun recommends installing @types/bun on their TypeScript docs page. For Bun-only projects, this makes sense, and is a low-configuration way to add types for Bun globals and imports of modules with bun: prefixes.

However, some projects may include files with multiple runtime environments - for example, most files using Node.js and some files using Bun. In this case, the types of globals can lead to type incompatibilities, with errors such as the following when attempting to use setTimeout() in Node.js code:

error TS2739: Type 'Timer' is missing the following properties from type 'Timeout': refresh, [Symbol.dispose]

To avoid these type incompatibilities, uninstall @types/bun and install bun-types:

npm remove @types/bun
npm add --save-dev bun-types

And add a triple-slash directive referencing bun-types at the top of each file which should use the Bun environment:


/// <reference types="bun-types" />

import { expect, test } from 'bun:test';

test('2 + 2', () => {
  expect(2 + 2).toBe(4);

bun test: Smoke test for server start

Bun's built-in test runner can be used to create zero-dependency tests written in TypeScript - not only unit tests, but also integration / end to end tests for command line interface programs. This is useful for creating smoke tests for programs such as dev servers, testing that the stdout and stderr match a snapshot:


/// <reference types="bun-types" />

import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers/promises';
import { $, spawn } from 'bun';
import { expect, test } from 'bun:test';

  'Dev server smoke test',
  async () => {
    console.log('Starting dev server...');
    const devServer = spawn('pnpm dev'.split(' '), {
      env: {
        // TODO: Add any environment variables you need
      stdout: 'pipe',
      stderr: 'pipe',

    console.log('Starting read of stdout and stderr...');
    const stdoutPromise = new Response(devServer.stdout).text();
    const stderrPromise = new Response(devServer.stderr).text();

    console.log('Waiting for 8 seconds for server to finish booting...');
    await setTimeout(8000);

    console.log('Killing child process...');

    // Kill all other Node.js processes started by spawning `pnpm dev`,
    // needed only for GitHub Actions workflows test runs
    if (process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS) {
      try {
        await $`killall node`;
      } catch {
        // Swallow error

    console.log('Waiting for process to exit...');
    await devServer.exited;

    console.log('Waiting for read of stdout and stderr to complete...');
    const [stdout, stderr] = await Promise.all([stdoutPromise, stderrPromise]);

    console.log('Expecting stdout and stderr to match snapshots...');
    expect({ stdout, stderr }).toMatchSnapshot();
  { timeout: 9000 },

This can also be run automatically on every push using GitHub Actions:


name: CI
on: [push]
    name: CI
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 10
      - uses: oven-sh/setup-bun@v1
          bun-version: latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - run: bun install
      - name: Smoke test for dev server
        run: bun test __tests__/smokeTestDevServer.test.ts
        timeout-minutes: 1

Run TypeScript bin executable in Bun

To use TypeScript in Bun in a bin executable, use a shebang with bun:


#!/usr/bin/env bun

const a: number = 1;


A collection of useful Bun tricks







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