To set up the development environment install abcli
, then open a terminal and type in,
# dev
abcli git clone dec82 install
To build the hardware, follow these instructions,
![]() |
![]() |
dec82 , uses grove parts. |
dec82q , uses qwiic parts. |
To install the software, follow these instructions to set up a headless Raspberry Pi w/ abcli
enabled. Then. in your development environment, open a terminal and type in,
# dev
abcli ssh rpi <rpi-hostname>
# rpi
abcli cookie copy dec82q # or dec82
abcli init
sudo raspi-config
# Interface Options -> Camera -> Yes
# Interface Options -> I2C -> Yes
# Interface Options -> SSH -> Yes
# System Options -> Boot / Auto Login -> Console Autologin
# if dec82q: Advanced Options -> Overscan -> No
# if dec82q: Interface Options -> SPI -> Yes
# Reboot.
To interact w/ the device, press and hold the button for less than 3 s
to take a picture and more than 5 s
to shut down the device. Hold more than 3 s
and less than 10 s
initiates an update and reboot of the application.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Add the following line: dtoverlay=rpi-display,speed=32000000,rotate=270
To interact w/ the device, press a
to update and b
to shutdown. Press center
to take a picture and adjust led intensity with up
and down