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Chain exerciser example in Golang for Ethereum permissioned chains.

Built as a sample and exerciser for the platform, and compatible with other Ethereum chains.

Tested with go-ethereum and Quorum and Hyperledger Besu permissioned chains.

The exerciser uses the go-ethererum JSON/RPC client to provide a simple command-line interface and code samples for:

  • Compiling and executing Solidity smart contracts
  • Submitting transactions to be signed by the go-ethereum (geth) node
  • Externally signing transactions (using EIP155 signing)
  • Checking for transaction receipts
  • Private Transactions compatible with Quorum, and the EEA Enterprise Ethereum Client Specification V1

Installing (Mac/Linux/Windows)

Grab the latest binary release from: Download, unzip and run.


This code is distributed under the Apache 2 license.

Please note the code currently statically links to code distributed under the LGPL license.


Sample exerciser for Ethereum permissioned chains - from Kaleido

  kaleido-go [flags]

  -a, --accounts stringArray       Account addresses - 1 per worker needed for geth signing
  -x, --args stringArray           String arguments to pass to contract method (auto-converted to type)
  -C, --call                       Call the contract and return a value, rather than sending a txn
  -i, --chainid int                Chain ID for EIP155 signing (networkid queried if omitted)
  -c, --contract string            Pre-deployed contract address. Will be deployed if not specified
  -n, --contractname string        The name of the contract to call, for Solidity files with multiple contracts
  -d, --debug int                  0=error, 1=info, 2=debug (default 1)
  -E, --estimategas                Estimate the gas for the contract call, rather than sending a txn
  -e, --extsign                    Sign externally with generated private keys + accounts
  -f, --file string                Solidity smart contract source. Deployed if --contract not supplied
  -F, --flush-period int           Flush period for statsd metrics (ms) (default 1000)
  -g, --gas int                    Gas limit on the transaction (default 1000000)
  -G, --gasprice int               Gas price
  -h, --help                       help for kaleido-go
  -k, --keys string                JSON file to create/update with an array of private keys for extsign
  -l, --loops int                  Loops to perform in each worker before exiting (0=infinite) (default 1)
  -m, --method string              Method name in the contract to invoke
  -M, --metrics string             statsd server to submit metrics to
  -q, --metrics-qualifier string   Additional metrics qualifier
  -N, --nonce int                  Nonce (transaction number) for the next transaction (default -1)
  -P, --privateFor stringArray     Private for (see EEA Client Spec V1)
  -p, --privateFrom string         Private from (see EEA Client Spec V1)
  -R, --rpc-timeout int            Timeout in seconds for an individual RCP call (default 30)
  -S, --seconds-max int            Time in seconds before timing out waiting for a txn receipt (default 20)
  -s, --seconds-min int            Time in seconds to wait before checking for a txn receipt (default 11)
  -T, --telegraf                   Telegraf/InfluxDB stats naming (default is Graphite)
  -t, --transactions int           Count of transactions submit on each worker loop (default 1)
  -u, --url string                 JSON/RPC URL for Ethereum node: https://user:[email protected]
  -w, --workers int                Number of workers to run (default 1)

## Build



Example commands below expect you to have set the following parameters:

# The full Node URL including any application credentials
NODE_URL="https://user:[email protected]"
# Account existing on the node

Deploy a contract and call a simple transaction

Shell Command (linux/mac):

./kaleido-go -f examples/simplestorage.sol \
  -m set -x 12345 \
  -u "$NODE_URL" -a "$ACCOUNT"

You can enable DEBUG output with -d 2

Example output:

INFO[2018-05-14T22:58:41-04:00] Exercising method 'set' in solidity contract examples/simplestorage.sol
INFO[2018-05-14T22:58:42-04:00] Deploying contract using worker W0000
INFO[2018-05-14T22:58:42-04:00] W0000/L0000/N000127: TX:0x739746d5b0c8bfb85e9975bd6ba5b5de52debd4e5119b556e22370ebc6947bdf Sent. OK=true [0.06s]
INFO[2018-05-14T22:58:54-04:00] W0000/L0000/N000128: TX:0x739746d5b0c8bfb85e9975bd6ba5b5de52debd4e5119b556e22370ebc6947bdf Mined=true after 11.18s [0.18s]
INFO[2018-05-14T22:58:54-04:00] Contract address=0x2C13d6D15975EfbF7DfD2bFdaFe7413e391eFc65
INFO[2018-05-14T22:58:54-04:00] W0000/L0000/N000128: TX:0x51a62f3922f59405e86f85d79ad79bfcfdf24305ac4b103c6fe0ca6cd97105c3 Sent. OK=true [0.04s]
INFO[2018-05-14T22:59:05-04:00] W0000/L0000/N000129: TX:0x51a62f3922f59405e86f85d79ad79bfcfdf24305ac4b103c6fe0ca6cd97105c3 Mined=true after 11.17s [0.17s]

Call the deployed contract to get the value

Shell Command (linux/mac):

./kaleido-go -f examples/simplestorage.sol \
  -m get -C -c 0x2C13d6D15975EfbF7DfD2bFdaFe7413e391eFc65 \
  -u "$NODE_URL" -a "$ACCOUNT"

TODO: Perform data-type sensitive parsing of return values

Example output:

INFO[2018-05-14T23:01:26-04:00] Exercising method 'get' in solidity contract examples/simplestorage.sol
INFO[2018-05-14T23:01:26-04:00] Contract address=0x2C13d6D15975EfbF7DfD2bFdaFe7413e391eFc65
INFO[2018-05-14T23:01:26-04:00] W0000/L0000/N000129: Call result: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003039' [0.04s]

Call the deployed contract to get the value in loop

Run 10 contract calls with 1 second delay between each call

Shell command (linux/mac):

./kaleido-go -f examples/simplestorage.sol \
  -m get -C -c 0x2C13d6D15975EfbF7DfD2bFdaFe7413e391eFc65 \
  -u "$NODE_URL" -a "$ACCOUNT"
  -l 10 -s 1

Send 10 private transactions with debug and custom wait times

Private transactions can only currently be signed on the node

Shell Command (linux/mac):

./kaleido-go -f examples/simplestorage.sol -m set -x 12345 \
  -t 10 \
  -p xoA1FQSUHpslp7lJWgRQXDErm/nsP7/CpBOWf6M3VTI= -P p3+cTaDZ9Lw1EPlJlcM9hhezlXTqAEi6xi+LTDIdW2E= \
  -s 15 -S 30 -d 3 \
  -u "$NODE_URL" -a "$ACCOUNT"

Send an externally signed transaction

The private keys will be randomly generated (and discarded), so this is only an example of external signing logic for exercising a node

Shell Command (linux/mac):

./kaleido-go -f examples/simplestorage.sol -m set -x 12345 -u "$NODE_URL" -e