XMapping provides some useful functions for fetching field from JSON and perfroming transformation.
whole logic depends on swift generic and try-catch. with these two powerful thing, handle json can also be easy.
is provided as a wrapper for a JSON object. We all know JSON object can be a Dictionary
, an Array
, Number
, String
, Bool
and Null
and no one said a root JSON object should be a Dictionary
, which means we should check type from root till we get what we want.
when getting something from JSON, we actually mean two step:
- get a
raw field
at specifiedkeyPath
. araw field
is a raw JSON type value,keyPath
is the path describing how to get the desired field. notice that, thiskeyPath
is not the same as KVC's keyPath which uses.
for key separation.keyPath
in XMapping is an array containingString
. - transfrom the
raw field
to desired Type(String, Double, Date, URL .etc) transform is a function that receives araw field
value, makes some magic and returns the desired result.
thanks to the well generic and try catch in swift, check type and report error become very easy.
someone would say why not just use Codable
? if you really try, you will give up. Codable
is too simple to fit complicated business logic.
say you have a struct Person
, and want be initialized from a JSON:
public struct Person: ModelMappable { // Models should confirm to ModelMappable
public let id: Int
public let name: String
public let avatar: URL?
public let birthday: Date?
public let friends: [Person]
init(mapper: Mapper) throws {
id = try mapper.map("id")
name = try mapper.map("user_name")
avatar = try mapper.optionalMap("avatar_url")
birthday = try mapper.optionalMap("birthday", transform: Date.transformString) // some free util functions
friends = try mapper.optionalMap("friends") ?? []
no magic here. Let's talk deeper.
and name
are required fields, so use map
, corresponding keyPath
is String "id"
, String "user_name"
is optional, so use optionalMap
. optionalMap
tries to get a String
value at avatar_url
, and then uses URL.transform
function to transform the string to URL
is almost the same as avatar
, but a transform function is provides directly.
is an array of Person
, we consider using empty array instead of [Person]?
to be done...