Resque (pronounced like "rescue") is a Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them later. It was originally developed for the ruby language.
Resque-clojure is a clojure-based implementation of the same protocol. It aims to be fully interoperable with the original project.
[resque-clojure "0.3.0"]
(ns my.test
(:require [resque-clojure.core :as resque]))
(resque/configure {:host "localhost" :port 6379}) ;; optional
;; creating a job
(resque/enqueue "testqueue" "clojure.core/println" "hello" "resque")
;; listening for jobs
(resque/start ["testqueue"])
- add resque:stat:* keys
- add resque-status as an option/plugin
Released under the MIT license. Please see LICENSE file.