Mneme is a robust event-sourcing library for Rust projects. Named after the Greek muse of memory, Mneme helps you maintain a complete and accurate history of your domain events. It is built on top of Kurrent (formerly EventStoreDB) and provides a clean, type-safe API for implementing event-sourced systems.
Add Mneme to your Cargo.toml
mneme = "0.1.0"
Mneme implements the event sourcing pattern with these core components:
- Commands: Operations that may produce events
- Events: Facts that have happened in the system
- State: Derived from applying events sequentially
- Event Store: Persists the event stream for each aggregate
use mneme::{AggregateState, Command, Event, EventStore, EventStreamId, execute};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use uuid::Uuid;
// 1. Define your events
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
enum BankAccountEvent {
Created { id: Uuid, owner: String },
Deposited { id: Uuid, amount: u32 },
Withdrawn { id: Uuid, amount: u32 }
impl Event for BankAccountEvent {
fn event_type(&self) -> String {
match self {
BankAccountEvent::Created { .. } => "BankAccount.Created".to_string(),
BankAccountEvent::Deposited { .. } => "BankAccount.Deposited".to_string(),
BankAccountEvent::Withdrawn { .. } => "BankAccount.Withdrawn".to_string(),
// 2. Define your aggregate state
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct AccountState {
balance: u32,
impl AggregateState<BankAccountEvent> for AccountState {
fn apply(&mut self, event: &BankAccountEvent) -> &Self {
match event {
BankAccountEvent::Created { .. } => {},
BankAccountEvent::Deposited { amount, .. } => {
self.balance += amount;
BankAccountEvent::Withdrawn { amount, .. } => {
self.balance -= amount;
// 3. Define a command
struct WithdrawCommand {
id: Uuid,
amount: u32,
state: AccountState,
impl Command for WithdrawCommand {
type Event = BankAccountEvent;
type State = AccountState;
type Error = String;
fn get_state(&self) -> Self::State {
fn set_state(&mut self, state: &Self::State) {
self.state = state.clone();
fn event_stream_id(&self) -> EventStreamId {
fn handle(&self) -> Result<Vec<Self::Event>, Self::Error> {
if self.amount <= self.state.balance {
Ok(vec![BankAccountEvent::Withdrawn {
amount: self.amount
} else {
Err("Insufficient funds".to_string())
// 4. Use the execute function with your event store
async fn process_withdrawal(account_id: Uuid, amount: u32) -> Result<(), mneme::Error> {
let mut event_store = /* your event store implementation */;
let command = WithdrawCommand {
id: account_id,
state: AccountState { balance: 0 }, // Initial state will be replaced by stored events
execute(command, &mut event_store, Default::default()).await
- Optimistic Concurrency: Handles concurrent updates to the same event stream
- State Reconstruction: Automatically rebuilds aggregate state from event history
- Type Safety: Leverages Rust's type system for safe event handling
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.