Ph.d candiadate at CPU(China Pharmaceutical University) 
- 🔭 I’m currently working on NGS data analysis.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning R/linux/python/julia languages and bioinformatic skills.
- 😄 I’m looking forward to find the meaning of life.
- 🐸 shiny of pheatmap 🐸 shiny of VennDiagram 🐸 shiny of volcanoPlot 🐸 shiny of qPCR 🐸 shiny of qPCRpro 🐸 shiny of clusterProfiler 🐸 shiny of CountToTPM/FPKM
- 🐹 riboTransVis 🐹 ORFfinderR 🐹 bulkPseudotime 🐹 JunJunZai 🐹 metaplot 🐹 ggSCvis 🐹 ggcirclize 🐹 ggChIPvis 🐹 RiboProfiler 🐹 BioSeqUtils 🐹 ClusterGVis 🐹 jjPlot 🐹 jjAnno 🐹 transPlotR 🐹 GseaVis 🐹 scRNAtoolVis 🐹 tackPlotR