Simple CLI to search and install packages with gop get <package-name> <...more>
or interactively by just running gop
1. Clone repository
git clone
2. CD into repository and build
cd gopack && make build
3. Move binary to your desired location
mv ./build/gop <your-path>
There is a help
command (gop --help
), but here's a comprehensive guide to all commands.
The get
command allows you to search and install Go packages.
Following the naming scheme for Go packages, GoPack assumes the prefix
You can directly use the package name or any query string you would use in, such as something/package
and GoPack will search the Go directory
and select the first match of the results and install it.
Example: gop get package
will install
You can make GoPack show the search results and select manually by passing the option -select
or -s
GoPack accepts multiple query strings separated by spaces. The default behaviour is the same as Single Package and you can select the matches for each query
by using the option -select
or -s
Example: gop get package something/else
will install
The list
command displays all installed packages with their installation paths and versions.
Usage: gop list
The run
command allows you to execute scripts defined in your gopack.json
configuration file.
Usage examples:
gop run build
- Runs the "build" script defined in your configurationgop run --list
orgop run -l
- Lists all available scriptsgop run --init
orgop run -i
- Initializes a new gopack.json configuration filegop run --config custom.json
orgop run -c custom.json
- Specifies a custom configuration file path
You can also run scripts directly from the root command:
gop build
- Equivalent togop run build
The update
command updates GoPack to the latest version from GitHub.
Usage: gop update
- Checks for the latest release on GitHub
- Downloads appropriate binary for your OS/architecture
- Replaces the current executable with the new version
The version
command displays the current version of GoPack.
Usage: gop version
GoPack uses a gopack.json
file to define scripts that can be run with the run
Example gopack.json
"scripts": {
"build": "go build -o gop",
"test": "go test ./...",
"lint": "go vet ./...",
"format": "go fmt ./..."
Just go mod tidy
Just go mod download