Connecting and managing the HLDS server.
Standard methods are being developed for version Counter-Strike 1.6 , but you can also send / process commands manually in other games with a similar type of connection. To do this, select the type of returned string.
var data = await serv.SendCommandAsync<string>("amx_who");
Connection example:
using Valve_Rcon;
using Valve_Rcon.CmdResponse.AMX;
var serv = new Server("", 27015, "rconpass", Server.Game.CS16);
In the near future, typed responses to commands will be added. The command "status" is being processed as a test.
var status = await serv.SendCommandAsync<Status.Response>("status");
var metaList = await serv.SendCommandAsync<MetaList.Response>("meta list");
using Valve_Rcon.CmdResponse.AMX;
- status
typeOf Status.Response
- meta list
typeOf MetaList.Response
- amx_modules
typeOf Modules.Response
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